Submission of contributions

Please start by reading the following information and guidelines before making your first submission of acontribution/an abstract.


Information and guidelines


  • Stress-related and anxiety disorders
  • Epidemiology
  • Etiopathogenesis
  • Comorbidity disorders
  • Experimental stress and anxiety research
  • Management of stress and anxiety
  • Measurement of stress and anxiety
  • Biomarkers of stress and anxiety
  • Stress and cognition
  • Neurobiology of anxiety and stress
  • Genetics and epigenetics of anxiety and stress
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Stress and anxiety in children and adolescents
  • Depression
  • Burn-out-syndrome
  • Everyday life stress
  • Social aspects of stress and anxiety
  • Sleep
  • Resilience
  • Schizophrenia
  • Phobias
  • Panic disorder
  • ADHD
  • Neurodegenerative disorders
  • COVID-19, stress and anxiety
  • Telemedicine

Types of presentation

Oral presentation

Short lectures are presentations of (scientific) work held together with other, related talks in parallel sessions. The slots are assigned by the programme committee.

Duration: 10-15 min. (incl. 5 min. of Q&A)
Form: The talk should reflect your work’s key findings and convey them to the audience in an engaging way. Please plan for Q&A time.
Submission as: contribution



Posters are a compact way to display scientific results. The conference agenda includes time for participants to visit the poster exhibitions. The presenting author is required to be present during the poster sessions (and thus also to register for the event).

Format: Printed World Format poster (128 cm high x 89.5 cm wide) Orientation: portrait
Structure: Information in brief written and graphic form, e.g. with photographs, drawings, graphics and diagrams.
Submission as: Contribution



Posters are a compact way to display scientific results. The conference agenda includes time for participants to visit the poster exhibitions. The presenting author is required to be present during the poster sessions (and thus also to register for the event).

Format: Printed World Format poster (128 cm high x 89.5 cm wide) Orientation: portrait
Structure: Information in brief written and graphic form, e.g. with photographs, drawings, graphics and diagrams.
Submission as: Contribution


30.06.2025 Submission deadline for contributions/abstracts
30.07.2025 Confirmation of acceptance sent
End of Year 2025 Publication of contributions (externally)


Guidelines for submission

Please follow carefully these instructions. Abstracts not prepared correctly will not be considered for presentation.