Conclusions and recommendations survey

Dear participant,
dear colleague

During this conference more than 1'600 participants from Switzerland from more than 30 countries in the world have exchanged views, knowledge, experiences, practices and achievements about how we could prevent transmission of psychiatric and related problems from parents to children, generation after generation.

We sincerely hope that this conference will stimulate you to apply the current knowledge and available effective practices and policies in your own organizations, practice and communities.

As organizers of this conference, we invite you to reflect with us about what the major conclusions and recommendations from this conference are for Switzerland and internationally. We would very much appreciate, if you have suggestions based on keynote lectures, symposia or discussions in other sessions about such conclusions or recommendations on needed actions and next steps:


We want to use your and other’s suggestions as input for the concluding debates at Friday afternoon. Based on these suggestions and debates we want to write after the conference a summary and recommendations report.

By doing this, we hope to increase the impact of this conference on the further improvement of research, knowledge, prevention and treatment practices and policies to support the families and children living with parental mental illness.

Kind regards

Kurt Albermann
Kaspar Aebi
Clemens Hosman