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Beitragstitel The use of a partially resorbable mesh to augment the insertion site of a functional muscle flap in reconstruction of active elbow flexion
Beitragscode P004
  1. Michael Bauer Vortragender
  2. Julia Sproedt
  3. Abdul Rahman Jandali
  4. Florian Jung
Präsentationsform Poster
  • A01 - Schulter/Ellbogen
Abstract Introduction
Extensive soft tissue trauma often requires reconstruction with a muscle flap. When active elbow flexion is lost due to traumatic destruction of elbow flexors, a functional latissimus dorsi flap is an established method to restore elbow function. However, when attaching the distal end of the muscle flap there is a risk of insufficient fixation at the insertion site due to the weak properties of the muscle tissue. We present a method to strengthen the insertion site of the flap by using a partially resorbable mesh (Vypro®).

Material and methods
We report on a patient who sustained an open subluxation of the elbow joint with a large soft tissue defect Gustilo-Anderson grade IIIa with complete loss of active elbow flexion. To restore active range of motion we performed a functional latissimus dorsi transfer. The distal end of the flap was attached to the radial tuberosity with bone anchors. To augment the insertion site and increase the pull-out strength of the sutures on the distal end of the flap we attached a circumferential Vypro® mesh.

The patient achieved excellent results for strength of elbow flexion and range of motion with mesh stabilization of the distal insertion. No adverse effects of the mesh occurred.

When a strong attachment of a muscle flap to tendon or bone is needed in functional restoration, mesh augmentation might be a viable option.