Submission of abstracts

The abstract submission is closed.

Please contact the Registration Office if you have any questions regarding your submission.
To prepare your presentation, please read the guidelines carefully. 

Information and guidelines on abstract submission


Primary Themes:

1.01 Basic Neuroscience (biological)
1.02 Climate change and environment
1.03 Diagnosis and Phenomenology
1.04 Electrophysiology
1.05 Epidemiology
1.06 Ethical Issues
1.07 Functional recovery
1.08 Genetics
1.09 Health inequlities
1.10 Lived experience & carers research
1.11 Neurocognition and Neuroimaging
1.12 Pandemic related mental health
1.13 Psychopharmacology
1.14 Psychosocial Interventions
1.15 Public Policy
1.16 Service System Development and Reform
1.17 Social and cultural determinants
1.18 Stress Responsivity
1.19 Translational Research

Secondary Themes:

2.01 Anxiety Disorders
2.02 Comorbid Conditions
2.03 First Episode Psychosis
2.04 Mood Disorders
2.05 Neurodevelopmental Disorders
2.06 Personality Disorders
2.07 Psychosis NOS
2.08 PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorders)
2.09 Transdiagnostic Approaches
2.10 Trauma
2.11 Ultra High Risk/Prodromal Research
2.12 Eating Disorders
2.13 Substance Use
2.14 Other


  • Contributions will be anonymised before being evaluated by the reviewer group appointed by the scientific program committee.
  • Each contribution will be evaluated separately by at least two reviewers.
  • The scientific program committee will select contributions for acceptance in a final round of evaluation based on the expert evaluations. The decisions are final.


Submitted contributions will be used for: 

  • Online evaluation
  • The committee’s selection meeting
  • Publication of the abstract on the event website upon acceptance
  • Publication of the accepted abstracts in conference event program
  • Publication of the accepted abstract in the online abstract book


It is required that at least one person per accepted abstract (i.e. the presenting author) registers for the conference. We require registration of the presenting author by the 27th February 2023 in order to have the contribution included in the final program and listed in the online abstract book.  


24.10.2022 Submission deadline for Symposia
02.12.2022 Submission deadline for oral & poster abstracts
16.01.2023 Confirmation of acceptance
17.02.2023 Early Bird Registration closes
27.02.2023 All speakers need to register to the meeting in order to have their abstract included in the final program and listed in the online abstract book. 
28.04.2023 Publication of detailed program on the event website