
  • Dr. Emin  Aghayev
    Dr. Emin Aghayev MEM Center, Bern
    Dr. Emin Aghayev

    Curriculum Vitae

    Prof. Dr. med. Aghayev Emin
    Senior Research Fellow, ISPM, University of Bern

    Field of work
    Consulting for clinical investigators and medical industry in development of medical registries
    Extensive experience in the planning, conduct of, and analysis and reporting in medical registries
    Special focuses on outcome and health services research in musculoskeletal disorders

    Since 2016: Senior Research Fellow, ISPM, University of Bern
    2014 to 2015: Research Group Head, Institute for Evaluative Research in Medicine, University of Bern
    2013: Senior Researcher, Comparative Effectiveness, Cost and Outcome Research Center, University of Washington, USA
    2013: Venia docenti (Orthopaedics), University of Bern
    2010: MD, University of Bern
    2009: M.Sc. in Biomedical Engineering, University of Bern
    2007-2014: Junior and Senior Researcher, Institute for Evaluative Research in Medicine, University of Bern
    2003 to 2006: Resident in Forensic Medicine, Institute for Forensic Medicine, University of Bern
    2002: MD, University of Vienna

  • Prof. Dr. Julien  Bogousslavsky
    Prof. Dr. Julien Bogousslavsky Clinique Valmont, Glion
    Prof. Dr. Julien Bogousslavsky

    Curriculum Vitae

    Prof. Dr. med. Julien Bogousslavsky
    Clinique Valmont, spécialiste FMH en Neurologie 

    Expérience professionnelle
    Depuis 2007 Professeur invité (master en neurosciences) à l’Université de Franche-Comté
    1996–2006 Professeur ordinaire de neurologie à l’Université de Lausanne
    1996–2006 Chef du service de neurologie du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois
    Depuis 1987 Privat-docent et agrégé

    1984–1985 Chargé de recherches à l’Université de Western Ontario
    1983 Spécialiste FMH en neurologie
    1978 Médecin de la Confédération
    Formation de neurologie à La Salpêtrière (Paris), et aux Universités de Genève, Lausanne et Zurich

  • Dr. Bijan  Cheikh-Sarraf
    Dr. Bijan Cheikh-Sarraf Schmerzklinik Basel
    Dr. Bijan Cheikh-Sarraf

    Curriculum Vitae

    Dr. med. Bijan Cheikh-Sarraf
    Schmerzklinik Basel, Facharzt für Orthopädie und Traumatologie des Bewegungsapparates FMH 

    2014–2015 Leitender Arzt Orthopädie mit Schwerpunkt Wirbelsäulen-chirurgie & Interventionelle Schmerztherapie, Tellklinik Ibach (SZ)
    seit 2014 Oberarzt Tetrahandchirurgie Schweizer Praplegiker Zentrum Nottwil (LU)
    2008–2014 Oberarzt in der orthopädischen Klinik mit Schwerpunkt Wirbelsäulenchirurgie und Schmerztherapie im Schweizer Paraplegiker Zentrum, Nottwil
    2007 Assistenzarzt auf der 24h Notfall-Station der Klinik Birshof (Hirslanden Gruppe) in Münchenstein
    2006 Assistenzarzt Behandlungszentrum Bewegungsapparat des Universitätsspital Basel, orthopädische Frührehabilitation im Felix Platter Spital
    seit 2006 Beratender Arzt in orthopädischen und traumatologischen Fragen bei der PESOMED GmbH
    2005 Assistenzarzt orthopädische Klinik Kantonsspital Olten
    2004 Universitätsspital Basel, Assistenzarzt orthopädische Klinik mit ½ Jahr Wirbelsäulenchirurgie und ½ Jahr Kinderorthopädie und Tumorchirurgie am Universitäts-Kinderspital beider Basel
    2002–2003 Assistenzarzt orthopädische Klinik, Kantonsspital Olten
    2000–2002 Assistenzarzt chirurgisches Departement, Kantonsspital Olten

    2014 FA Schmerztherapie SSIPM
    2008 FMH Orthopädie und Traumatologie des Bewegungsapparats
    2007 FA Vertrauensarzt SGV
    2000 Staatsexamen Medizin Universität Hamburg


  • Paulo Rego Da Cunha Ribeiro
    Paulo Rego Da Cunha Ribeiro Chef Physiothérapeute, Clinique Valmont, Gion
    Paulo Rego Da Cunha Ribeiro

    Curriculum Vitae

    Paulo Rego Da Cunha Ribeiro
    Responsable physiothérapie, Clinique Valmont, Glion

    Certificat Bobath – Base du concept – Evaluation et traitement de l’adulte avec atteintes neurologiques centrales.
    Participant au groupe d’intérêt PNF
    Diplôme de formateur pédagogique
    Kinesio Taping
    Bandage fonctionnel du membre inférieur
    Etirement axiaux globaux et douleurs de la colonne vertébrale – causes et solutions
    Planification et mise en œuvre d’attelles statiques – membres inférieurs
    Concept de Mulligan
    Licence HES en Physiothérapie

    Expériences professionnelles 
    Physiothérapeute, Clinique Fisavin, Portugal
    Physiothérapeute du sport, Ermesinde Sport Club, Portugal
    Assistant de physiothérapie du sport, Futebol Club da Maia, Portugal

    Date d’entrée dans la société
    19 avril 2010

    Postes occupés dans la société
    2010-2011 Physiothérapeute de la Clinique Valmont
    2011-2013 Premier Physiothérapeute de la Clinique Valmont
    Actuellement Responsable physiothérapie de la Clinique Valmont

    Clinique Valmont
    Route de Valmont
    1823 Glion sur Montreux

    Tél.    +41 21 962 37 24
    Fax    +41 21 962 37 37

  • Sofie  De Muynck
    Sofie De Muynck Schmerzklinik Basel
    Sofie De Muynck

    Curriculum Vitae

    Sofie De Muynck
    Schmwerzklinik Basel, Leitung Physiotherapie

    Professsional experiences
    Schmerzklinik Basel
    seit 04/15 Leitung Physiotherapie
    2010-2015 Physiotherapeutin, EFL-Therapeutin
    2009-2010 Co-Leitung Physiotherapie
    2007-2009 Stv. Leitung Physiotherapie
    Praktikantenbetreuung Fachhochschule ZHAW und Fresenius
    2003-2007 Physiotherapeutin, Verantwortliche für stationäre Planung

    1997-2003 Physiotherapeutin
    Therapie Center Neubad, Basel

    1995-1997 Physiotherapeutin
    Kurzentrum Lenkerhof, Lenk

    1994-1995 Psychomotorische Therapeutin
    Psychomotorik Centrum, St. Niklaas, Belgien

    1994 Erzieherin
    Tagesheim sozial behinderte Kinder, Belgien

    Professional continuing education
    2016- Osteopathie, International Academy of Osteopathy, Freiburg,DE
    2014-2015 Praxisausbildner, ZHAW, Winterthur
    2008 -2014 Dry Needling Ausbildung, IMTT, Zürich
    2012 Prüfung zur EFL-verantwortliche, Bellikon
    2009 EFL-Ausbildung, Bellikon
    2006-2007 Führung und Zusammenarbeit
    Sitzung leiten und moderieren, WEG
    2003-2005 Craniosacral Therapie nach Upledger, Upledger Institute Schweiz
    2003 Schmerz: der problematische Schmerzpatient, Gamt, Zurich
    1998-2000 Manuelle Therapie, SAMT, Schaffhausen
    1998-1999 Manuelle Triggerpunkt Therapie, IMTT
    1997 Fussreflexzonentherapie nach Hanne Marquardt,

    1977-1980 Grundschule Bolivia, Sudamerika
    1980-1982 Grundschule in Boston, USA
    1982-1984 Grundschule Antwerpen, Belgien
    1984-1990 Mittelschule Antwerpen, Belgien
    Richtung: Informatik-Sprachen
    1990-1993 Physiotherapieschule Dilbeek, Belgien

    Other (practical) activities
    1999 Physiotherapeutin Junioren Basketball, Birsfelden
    2014- Physiotherapeutin B-Junioren O.S.Olympia, Basel

    Zaugg-Novali MirjamLeiterin Kaufmännische Dienste, Schmerzklinik Basel
    Roduner FabienneMed. Masseurin und Verantwortliche Stationäre Planung, SKB

  • PD Dr. Norman  Espinosa
    PD Dr. Norman Espinosa Privatklinik Bethanien, Privatklinik Lindberg
    PD Dr. Norman Espinosa

    Curriculum Vitae

    PD Dr. med. Norman Espinosa
    Privatklinik Bethanien und Privatklinik Lindberg, Facharzt Orthopädische Chirurgie und Traumatologie des Bewegungsapparates, Spez. Rekonstruktive Fuss- und Sprunggelenkchirurgie, Mitglied FMH

    2015 Gründung FussInstitut Zürich und Aufnahme Belegarzttätigkeit
    2007–2015 Leiter der Fuss- und Sprunggelenkchirurgie, Uniklinik Balgrist, Zürich
    2006 Auslandaufenthalt im Rahmen der Weiterbildung in Fuss- und Sprunggelenkchirurgie
    2004–2005 Assistenzarzt Orthopädie, Uniklinik Balgrist, Zürich
    2003 Assistenzarzt Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie, Inselspital, Bern
    2002 Assistenzarzt Allgemeinchirurgie, Spital Limmattal, Schlieren
    2000–2001 Assistenzarzt Orthopädie, Uniklinik Balgrist, Zürich

    2011 Venia legendi der Universität Zürich und Ernennung zum Privatdozenten
    2006 Facharzt FMH Orthopädische Chirurgie und Traumatologie des Bewegungsapparates
    2006 Fellowship in klinischer Forschung und kindlicher Fuss-und Sprunggelenkchirurgie, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
    2006 Fellowship in Fuss- und Sprunggelenkchirurgie, Mercy Medical Center, Dr Mark Myerson, Baltimore, MD, USA
    1999 Staatsexamen Humanmedizin, Universität Zürich

    AOFAS, American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society: Mitglied des Forschungskommittees
    EFAS, European Foot and Ankle Society: Mitglied des Forschungskommittees
    IAMFAS, Ibero-American Foot and Ankle Society: Gründungsmitglied
    SFAS, Swiss Foot and Ankle Society: Gewählter Präsident für die Periode 2016-2018. Mitglied des Vorstands.
    SGOT, Swiss Orthopaedics: Präsident der Expertengruppe/ Mitglied der Qualitätsgruppe und der Fortbildungskommission.
    iFAB, International Foot and Ankle Biomechanics
    FMH, Verbindung der Schweizer Ärzte und Ärztinnen

  • Eric  Frey
    Eric Frey Chief Development Officer Swiss Medical Network, Director Schmerzklinik Basel
    Eric Frey

    Curriculum Vitae

    Eric Frey
    Chief Development Officer Swiss Medical Network, Director Schmerzklinik Basel 

    (*1964) He studied business administration and management in France. While still serving as Executive Chairman at biotech company BioTissue, he joined Swiss Medical Network in 2006, where he has been employed as Chief Development Officer since 2007. He has also served as General Manager of the Schmerzklinik Basel since 2016.

  • Prof. Dr. Daniel  Fritschy
    Prof. Dr. Daniel Fritschy Clinique La Tour, Meyrin
    Prof. Dr. Daniel Fritschy

    Curriculum Vitae

    Prof. Dr. Daniel Fritschy
    Orthopaedic surgeon private practice at Hôpital de La Tour, Meyrin

    Chief of the Service de chirurgie orthopédique ambulatoire at the Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève from 2001 to 2012

    Associate Professor of the Faculté de médecine of the Université de Genève

    Past President of ESSKA 2006 - 2008

  • Dr. Dominique-Francois  Gazielly
    Dr. Dominique-Francois Gazielly Clinique de Genolier
    Dr. Dominique-Francois Gazielly

    Curriculum Vitae

    Dr. med. Dominique-François Gazielly
    Clinique de Genolier, Specialist FMH in Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology   

    Professional Career
    2011 Dr Gazielly is elected as a Consultant Shoulder Surgeon in Genolier.
    since 2006 He is Consultant Shoulder Surgeon at the Orthopaedic Department of University Hospital of Geneva (HUG).
    since 2006 He is nominated as Associate-Professor of Shanghaï Tiao Tong University School of Medical
    1999–2011 Dr Gazielly has developed several Shoulder Units in Middle–East: Hamad Medical Corporation in Doha–Qatar, Khoula Hospital in Mascat–Sultanate of Oman, Saoudi German Hospital in Jeddah–Saoudia Arabia Kingdom, Dubaï Hospital in Dubaï–United Arabs Emirates.
    1999–2009 He headed the Shoulder Unit of the Institut de la Main in Paris
    1986–1999 Dr Gazielly created and developed the first French Private Shoulder Unit in Saint-Etienne.
    1985 After his residency and fellowship in Orthopaedic Surgery in Lyon (1976-1984), he did a shoulderfellowship at the University of Toronto and the Columbia Presbyterian Hospital of New-York (Dr Charles S. Neer II).
    1974–1975 He was Army Medical Officer in Africa (Gabon)
    1968–1974 Born in Paris in 1949. Dr Gazielly graduated and obtained his MD at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lyon

    2003 Elected as Member of “Academie Nationale de Chirurgie”
    1994 Elected as Active Member of the European Society for Shoulder and Elbow Surgery (SECEC)
    1993 Founding President of the French Society for Shoulder and Elbow Surgery (GEEC)
    1989 Elected as Corresponding Member of the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons (ASES).

  • Prof. Dr. Beat Hintermann
    Prof. Dr. Beat Hintermann Kantonsspital Baselland
    Prof. Dr. Beat Hintermann

    Curriculum Vitae

    Prof. Dr. Beat Hintermann
    Chairman of the Clinic for Orthopaedics and Traumatology at Kantonsspital Baselland (Switzerland) and Associate Professor at University of Basel

    He qualified from Bern’s University Medical School and underwent Specialist Orthopaedic training in Neuchatel, St. Gallen, Davos and Basel. After finishing his residency program, he completed a research fellowship in Biomechanics at University of Calgary/Canada (Benno Nigg, 1991-92) and two clinical travelling fellowships to Asia (JOSSM-KOSM-Travelling Fellowship of GOTS, 1994) and USA/United Kingdom (ASG Travelling Fellowship of SOC, 1997), respectively. He has been in charge of the Orthopaedic Trauma Unit at University Hospital of Basel since 1994, before becoming the Chair for Orthopaedic Surgery at the teaching hospital in Liestal in 2006. Since over 20 years, his main interest is the ankle and hindfoot. During his tenure, new and innovative techniques and procedures have been introduced such as ankle arthroscopy, correcting osteotomies and arthrodeses of the hindfoot complex and total ankle replacement.

    Beat Hintermann was the main conceptor of the HINTEGRA ankle which is after 17 years of clinical use the best documented 3 component prosthesis on market. Beside of over 190 peer-reviewed articles in Orthopaedic surgery in particular relating to ankle arthroscopy, ankle instability, ankle osteoarthritis, total ankle replacement and foot and ankle trauma, he was the author of 6 medical textbooks related to reconstructive surgery of the ankle and hindfoot complex. He got several awards for his clinical and biomechanical research.

    Over the last decade, he has given tremendous efforts for teaching activities around the entire world and at its clinic as well, which was honoured by several national Foot and ankle societies and institutions. He is regularly a Faculty member at International Foot and Ankle meetings and organizer of practical instructional courses both in Switzerland and abroad.

  • Emeritus Professor Pierre  Hoffmeyer
    Emeritus Professor Pierre Hoffmeyer HUG Genève
    Emeritus Professor Pierre Hoffmeyer

    Curriculum Vitae

    Pierre Hoffmeyer
    Professor Emeritus University of Geneva

    A University of Geneva graduate in Medicine, Pierre Hoffmeyer spent his two first years of residency at the Vancouver General Hospital for his general surgery training. He then returned to Geneva where he completed his orthopaedic training in the Orthopaedic Service headed successively by Professors W. Taillard and H. Vasey. He trained in upper extremity surgery at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester where he worked under Drs Cofield, Morrey and Chao. He became Privat Docent in 1993 and Professor and Chair of the Division of Orthopaedics of the University Hospitals of Geneva in 1998. He was also Director of the Department of Surgery from 2007 to 2015. He retired from the university position in 2015.
    Over the past years, Pr Hoffmeyer has authored and co-authored over two hundred papers in foremost journals of the specialty, and sits on the editorial board of many major journals.
    Currently, he is the Editor-in-Chief of EFORT Open Reviews (EOR), and is President of the Swiss Foundation for Innovation and Training in Surgery (SFITS) and of the Foundation for Osteo-Articular Research. (FROA). He is a Past President of the Swiss Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology and a Past President of EFORT.

  • Prof. Dr. med. Bernhard  Jost
    Prof. Dr. med. Bernhard Jost President Swiss Orthopaedics, Kantonsspital St. Gallen
    Prof. Dr. med. Bernhard Jost

    Curriculum Vitae

    Prof. Dr. med. Bernhard Jost
    President Swiss Orthopaedics, Kantonsspital St. Gallen

    Academic Appointment
    Associate Professor (Titularprofessor), University of Zurich since 04.09.2012

    Clinical Appointment, Kantonsspital St. Gallen
    Chefarzt / Head
    Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology since 01.06.2011

    Medical School, University of Berne, CH 1994

    Doctorate of Medicine
    Anatomy and Functional Aspects of the Rotator Interval under Prof. C. Gerber 1994

    Postgraduate: Residency (Assistenzarzt)
    Biomechanics M.E. Muller-Institute for Biomechanics, University of Bern, CH (Prof. L.-P. Nolte) 01.01. - 31.12.1995

    General Surgery and Traumatology Interlaken Hospital, CH (Dr. B. Noesberger) 01.01. - 31.12.1996

    Department of Orthopaedics University of Zurich, Balgrist, CH (Prof. C. Gerber) 01.03.1997 - 30.09.1999

    Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology University of Berne, Inselspital, CH (Prof. R. Ganz) 01.10.1999 - 31.12.2000

    Department of Orthopaedics University of Zurich, Balgrist, CH (Prof. C. Gerber) 01.01. - 30.06.2001

    Oberarzt i.V. 01.07. - 31.12.2001
    Department of Orthopaedics
    University of Zurich, Balgrist, CH (Prof. C. Gerber)

    Oberarzt 01.01.2002 - 31.07.2004
    Department of Orthopaedics
    University of Zurich, Balgrist, CH (Prof. C. Gerber)

    Oberarzt, Deputy Head of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery 01.08.2004 – 30.09.2006
    Department of Orthopaedics
    University of Zurich, Balgrist, CH (Prof. C. Gerber) 

    Oberarzt, Head of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery since 01.10.2006
    Department of Orthopaedics
    University of Zurich, Balgrist, CH (Prof. C. Gerber) 

    Leitender Arzt, Head of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery 01.01.2007 - 31.05.2011
    Department of Orthopaedics
    University of Zurich, Balgrist, CH (Prof. C. Gerber) 

    Head of Department (Chefarzt)
    Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology
    Kantonsspital St. Gallen, CH since 01.06.2011

    Fellowships / Visiting Clinician
    Elbow Surgery (4 months)
    Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA (Prof. B.F. Morrey) 01.01. - 30.04. 2004
    Shoulder Arthroscopy (3 months)
    Clinique Générale, Annecy, F (Dr. L. Lafosse) 01.05. - 31.07.2004

    Swiss Board Certificate of Orthopaedic Surgery (FMH) since 01.02.2002
    (Facharzt für Orthopädische Chirurgie und Traumatolgie des Bewegungsapparates)

    Other (Clinical) Activities
    President swiss orthopaedics (SGOT) since 2016
    Executive Committee swiss orthopaedics (SGOT) since 2014

    Expert Group Shoulder and Elbow, swiss orthopaedics (SGOT) since 2007
    Chairman 2009 - 2014

    Expert Group Traumatology, swiss orthopaedics (SGOT) since 2011

    Education Commission (Weiterblidungskommission), since 2008
    Swiss Orthopaedic Society (SGOT/SSOT)

    Consultat to the SGOT/SSOT-Delegate of the FMH for the Evaluation since 2008
    of Swiss Orthopaedic Educational Hospitals (Weiterbildungsstätten)

    Board Exam Commission (Prüfungskommission) SGOT/SSOT since 2010

    Executive Committee, European Society for Surgery of the 2009 - 2014
    Shoulder and Elbow (SECEC / ESSSE)
    Chairman Membership Committee 2009 - 2010
    Chairman Website Committtee 2010 - 2014

    Honors and Awards
    Swiss Technology Award
    Computer-Assisted Surgery Research Group, M.E. Muller Institute, Bern 1995

    1. Marathon Award
    swiss orthopaedics (SGOT) Jost B, Zumstein M, Pfirrmann C W A, Zanetti M, Gerber C
    MRI findings in shoulders of throwing athletes 2002

    1. Scientific Award
    Swiss Society of Sports Medicine (SGSM)
    Jost B, Zumstein M, Pfirrmann C W A, Zanetti M, Gerber C
    MRI findings in throwing shoulders 2005

    1. Marathon Award
    swiss orthopaedics (SGOT) Jankauskas L, Rüdiger H A, Pfirrmann C W A, Jost B, Gerber C
    Loss of the subchondral sclerosis on ap radiographs of the shoulder: a pathognomonic sign for an osseous glenoid rim defect in anterior shoulder instability 2006

    3. Marathon Award
    swiss orthopaedics (SGOT) Von Roll A L, Jost B, Fucentese S, Pfirrmann C W A, Gerber C
    Evolution of non-operatively treated supraspinatus tears 2006

    Neer Award
    American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS)
    Gerber C, Zumstein M A, Frey E, von Rechenberg B, Hoppeler H, Jost B, Meyer D C
    Reversion of Structural Muscular Changes Caused by Chronic Rotator Cuff Tendon Tearing Using Continuous Musculotendinous Traction: An Experimental Study in the Sheep 2007

    Venel Award
    Swiss orthopaedics (SGOT) Fucentese S, Von Roll AL, Pfirrmann C W A, Gerber C, Jost B
    Evolution of nonoperatively treated isolated full-thickness supraspinatus tears
    J. Bone Joint Surg Am. 94: 801-808, 2012 2013

    Österreichische Gesellschaft für Wirbelsäulenchirurgie
    Külling FA, Florianz H, Reepschläger B, Gasser J, Jost B, Lajtai G
    High prevalence of disc degeneration and spondylolysis in the lumbar spine of professional beach volleyball players
    Orthop J Sports Med 2, 2014 2015

    SGOT / SSOT Swiss Society of Othopedic Surgery and Traumatology
    SECEC / ESSSE European Society for Surgery of the Shoulder and the Elbow
    ASES American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons
    DVSE German Shoulder and Elbow Society
    SGSM Swiss Society of Sports Medecine
    AAOS American Academy of Orthopedic Surgery
    AOTrauma Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Osteosynthesefragen
    SOCA Schweizerischer Orthopädischer Club für Austausch und Forschung
    FMH Foederatio Medicorum Helveticorum
    VSAO Vereinigung Schweiz. Assistenz- und Oberärzte
    VLSS Vereinigung Leitender Spitalärzte der Schweiz

    Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research (CORR) since 2004
    Acta Orthopedica Scandinavica since 2005
    American Journal of Sports Medicine (AJSM) since 2007
    Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery (JSES) since 2008
    Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery Am (JBJS) since 2012

    Editorial Board
    Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery Am (JBJS) since 2015
    International Deputy Editor

    Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine (OJSM) since 2013

    Leading Opinion since 2011

    Other Activities
    (Semi)professional Handball Player BSV BERN (NLA), CH 1984 - 1992
    Swiss Handball Champion 1985
    Playing Member of U-21 Swiss Handball National Team 1984 - 1987
    U21 World Championship, Italy 1985
    Playing Member Swiss Handball National Team 1986 - 1991
    A World Championship, Tschechoslowakia 1990
    Team Physician, Swiss Handball National Team (Men) 1997 – 2005
    President and Chairman, Medical Comission, Swiss Handball Federation (SHV) www.handball.ch 1999 - 2005
    Official WTA Tournament Physician, Zurich Open (Tennis), Zurich, CH www.wtatour.com 2002 - 2008
    Official Tournament Physician, Beachvolleyball Grand Slam Klagenfurt, A www.beachvolleyball.at 2003 - 2013

    Original Articles (Peer Reviewed): More than 70 articles

    Lectures on National and International Congresses, Courses and Symposia: More than 330 lectures

  • Patrizia  König
    Patrizia König Clinique Valmont, Gion
    Patrizia König

    Curriculum Vitae

    Patrizia Konig
    Clinique Valmont, spécialiste FMH en Neurologie 

    Expérience professionnelle
    Physiothérapeute chez: Cabinet privé Studio Fisioterapico D.ssa Erminia Moroni, Varese- Italie (1983/1984)
    Physiothérapeute, en libre profession à domicile (1984/1997)
    Responsable de la section de physiothérapie chez la maison de retraite et de réadaptation “Villa Rovera Molina”, Barasso (VA)- Italie (1997/2012)
    Physiothérapeute chez Clinique Valmont, Glion sur Montreux (2012/2013)
    Physiothérapeute Responsable Adjointe chez Clinique Valmont (2013 au présent)

    Manipulation Fasciale, Méthode Stecco, niveau 1, 2,3, membre de l’association manipulation fasciale PNF formation continue « cercle de qualité », membre ipnfa.ch
    Kinetik Control: concepts, "dynamique de stabilité et équilibre musculaire du rachis cervical, du quadrant supérieur, du quadrant inférieur, du rachis lombaire et du tronc” Dianne Andreotti
    ”Diagnosis and Treatment of Movement Impairment Syndrome” – Dr.Shirley Sahrmann – quadrant supérieur, du quadrant inférieur, posture
    Cours de thérapie manuelle pour neuro conjointe du rachis cervical à la clinique de réadaptation de Novaggio, Kim Robinson e Toby Hall
    Cours de base d’idrokinésitherapie
    Cours de base de drainage lymphatique et bandage 1er et 2de dégrée. prof.A. Leduc
    La manutention manuelle de patients
    Approche thérapeutique a la maladie du Parkinson
    Cours de formation sur "La contrainte physique en gériatrie"
    Formation théorique pour l'operateur Validation
    Séminaires sur “l'adulte handicapés et les personnes âgées en institution et à domicile: contrôle de l'environnement, la personnalisation de l'espace, la prévention et le traitement des escarres” et les aides posture et les transfert et les aides à la verticale/déambulation

  • Prof. Pierre  Mansat
    Prof. Pierre Mansat Université de Toulouse, France
    Prof. Pierre Mansat

    Curriculum Vitae

    Prof. Pierre Mansat
    Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Toulouse

    1984 : Medical School (University of Toulouse)

    1989 : Resident in Orthopaedic-Traumatology (University of Toulouse)

    1991 : Master of Anatomy and Organogenesis (Toulouse Medical School).

    1992 : Master of Biomechanics (ENSAM-PARIS). Mesure des déformations osseuses induites par un trouble de torsion. Étude des conséquences sur la marche par plate-forme de force. Étude "in vivo" par une technique d'extensomètrie.

    1995 : Inter-University Diploma of Hand Surgery (Bordeaux, Toulouse, Montpellier, Marseille, Nice).

    1995 : French Speciality Diploma of Orthopedic and Traumatology.

    1995 : United States Medical Licensing Examination – Novembre 1995

    1996 : Medical Doctor Diploma.

    1996-1997 : Clinical Fellow, Adult Reconstruction-Upper Extremity Surgery, Orthopedic Department, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA

    1997 : Chief of Clinic – Assistant

    2000 : University Diploma of Medical Pedagogy (Université Paul-Sabatier, Toulouse)

    2001 : Associated Professor of Orthopedics and Traumatology

    2002 : PhD thesis - Paul-Sabatier University– Toulouse. Analyse biomécanique de la glène prothésée par la méthode des éléments finis.

    2004 : Professor of Orthopedics and Traumatology – 2d class

    2011 : Member elected of the board of the French College of Orthopaedic and Traumatology

    2013 : Professor of Orthopedics and Traumatology – 1st class

  • Dr. Andreas  Panoussopoulos
    Dr. Andreas Panoussopoulos Privatklinik Bethanien, Zürich
    Dr. Andreas Panoussopoulos

    Curriculum Vitae

    Dr. med. Andreas Panoussopoulos
    FMH Orthopädische Chirurgie; Wirbelsäulenchirurgie. Rückenklinik Bethanien, Zürich

    Schweizer: Heimatort Vernier, Genf
    Sprachen: Deutsch, Französisch, Englisch, Griechisch
    Praxisadresse: Rückenklinik, Bethanien
    Toblerstrasse 51, 8044 Zürich
    Tel: +41 43 268 29 40
    Fax: +41 43 268 29 44
    www. spine-care.ch

    2015 Akkreditierung – Klinik Hirslanden
    2013 Indoor Praxis „Rückenklinik“ Bethanien
    2011 Akkreditierung - Klinik Im Park (Hirslanden)
    2006 Akkreditierung - Privatklinik Bethanien
    2002 Selbständige Praxis "Spine Care", Sanitas
    1998 - 2002 Praxisgemeinschaft „Zentrum für Wirbelsäulenleiden“ mit Dr.med. K. Zweifel, Sanitas
    1998 Orthopädie Hirslanden Aa und ZH, Stv. von Dr. Ch. Etter
    1997 Oberarzt ad interim, Wirbelsäule "Spine Unit", Schulthess Klinik, mit Rotation bei PD Dr. D.Grob, Prof. Dr. J. Dvorak, Prof. Dr. A. Benini
    1996 Oberarzt i.V. Orthopädische Universitätsklinik Balgrist
    1996 Verleihung des „FMH für Orthopädische Chirurgie“ Titels
    1992 - 1996 Orthopädie, Balgrist  Prof. Dr. A. Schreiber, Prof. Dr. H. Zollinger, Prof. Dr. Ch. Gerber
    1988 - 1992 Innere Medizin, Gland VD  Allgemeine Chirurgie, Orthopädische Chirurgie, Neurochirurgie, Spital Sitten VS
    1981 - 1988 Universität Genf, Medizinische Fakultät: Staatsexamen, März 1988 mit Verleihung des Doktortitels April 1991
    1977 - 1981 Collège Rousseau, Genf (Maturität, Typus C, Prädikat: gut)

  • PD Dr. Matthias Seidel
    PD Dr. Matthias Seidel Osteoarthritis Research Center Basel, Schmerzklinik Basel
    PD Dr. Matthias Seidel

    Curriculum Vitae

    Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Matthias Frank Seidel
    Chief Section of Rheumatology, Schmerzklinik Basel (Swiss Medical Network), Switzerland


    1973-1982  Faustgymnasium Staufen, Germany: Graduation (Abitur)


    Medical and scientific education with professional activities

    1983  Medical School, University of Padua, Italy

    1983-1985  Medical School, University of Göttingen, Germany

    1985-1986  Medical School, University of Essen, Germany

    1986-1989  Division of Neurosciences, University of Texas in Galveston, USA: Graduate studies of Neurosciences

    1989-1992  Medical School, University of Essen, Germany: Graduation

    1989-1993  Institute for Anatomy, University of Essen, Germany: Medical dissertation

    1993-1994  St. Josef-Hospital Bonn, Germany: Clinical fellowship Internal Medicine

    1995-1996  Hôpital Henri Mondor Créteil/Paris, France: Marie-Curie-Fellowship

    1996-1999  University of Bonn: Clinical fellowship Internal Medicine

    1999-2001  Rheuma- und Rehabilitationsklinik Bad Bellingen, Germany: Clinical fellowship Rheumatology

    2001-2007  Medizinische Universitäts-Poliklinik Bonn, Germany

    2001  Board exam Internal Medicine

    2003  Board exam Rheumatology

    2003-2008  Medizinische Universitäts-Poliklinik Bonn: Head of Rheumatology Unit

    2008-2012  Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik I Bonn: Head of Rheumatology Unit

    2011  Habilitation

    2012-2016  Chairman „Kooperatives Rheumazentrum Aachen-Köln-Bonn“

    2012-2017  Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik III Bonn: Head of Rheumatology Unit

    2014-2017  Head of Subcentre for Rare Rheumatic Diseases University Hospital of Bonn

    2017  Chief Section of Rheumatology, Schmerzklinik Basel (Swiss Medical Network), Switzerland

  • Simon D.  Steppacher MD
    Simon D. Steppacher MD Inselspital, University of Bern
    Simon D. Steppacher MD

    Curriculum Vitae

    Simon-Damian Steppacher MD
    Consultant, Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, Inselspital, University of Bernn

    1999 – 2005 Medical School, University of Bern, Switzerland

    01/06 – 05/06 General medicine, First Lieutenant, Swiss Army Medical Center, Dr. med. A. Faas, Frauenfeld, Switzerland

    06/06 – 12/07 Research fellow, Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, Inselspital, University of Bern, Prof. Dr. K. A. Siebenrock

    01/08 – 12/08 Research Fellowship for Prospective Researchers of the Swiss National Science Foundation on “Accuracy of CT-based Computer-navigated Total Hip Arthroplasty”. New England Baptist Hospital, Tufts University and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA (USA). Supervision: S.B. Murphy, MD, Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery

    01/09 – 12/09 Internship, General surgery, Trauma and Emergency Unit, Inselspital, University of Bern, Prof. Dr. H. Zimmermann

    01/10 – 06/12 Internship, Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, Inselspital, University of Bern, Prof. Dr. K.A. Siebenrock

    07/12 – 12/12 Internship, Hand and Plastic Surgery, Inselspital, University of Bern, PD E. Vögelin

    01/13 – 05/14 Research fellow, Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, Inselspital, University of Bern, Prof. Dr. K.A. Siebenrock

    06/14 –06/15 Internship, Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, Inselspital, University of Bern, Prof. Dr. K.A. Siebenrock

    07/14 – 12/14 Internship, Orthopaedic Surgery, Salem Spital, Bern, Dr. med. B. Christen

    07/15 –12/15 Consultant, Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, Inselspital, University of Bern, Prof. Dr. K.A. Siebenrock

    01/16 –06/15 Consultant, Emergency department, Inselspital, University of Bern, Prof. Dr. A. Exadaktylos

    Since 07/16 Consultant, Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, Inselspital, University of Bern, Prof. Dr. K.A. Siebenrock

    Research Activity
    > 50 publications and book chapters in international orthopaedic journals
    > 100 lectures at national and international orthopaedic meetings
    Reviewer activity in various orthopaedic journals

  • Dr. med. Ivan  Tami
    Dr. med. Ivan Tami Clinique Ars Medica, Gravesano
    Dr. med. Ivan Tami

    Curriculum Vitae

    Dr. med. Ivan Tami
    Clinica Ars Medica, Gravesano-Lugano

    Professional Experience
    From November 2014: Medical advisor at Centro Medico, Lugano
    From January 2013: Medical advisor at Centro Medico, Chiasso
    From July 2010: Private practice at Ars Medica Clinica-Genolier Swiss Medical Network, Gravesano and founder of the Centro manoegomito
    2010 - 2011: Attending physician at Schulthess Clinic, Zurich (Hand and elbow surgery ward)
    2005 - 2010: Attending physician at University Hospital, Zurich (Division of plastic surgery and hand surgery)
    2004 - 2005: Senior physician at Schulthess Clinic, Zurich (Hand and elbow surgery ward)
    2002 - 2003: Resident physician at Schulthess Clinic, Zurich (Orthopaedic surgery and traumatology ward)
    2001: Scientific research at Laboratorium für experimentelle chirugie, AO Forschungszentrum, Davos
    1999 - 2000: Resident physician at Regional Hospital, Interlaken (General surgery, traumatology and orthopaedic ward)

    2009: European Hand Surgery Diploma Examination (FESSH)
    2007: FMH in Hand Surgery
    2006: Doctor of Medicine (PhD), University of Bern
    2004: FMH in Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery
    1998: Medical degree, University of Zurich
    1991: High School diploma, Lugano

    Professional Memberships
    Swiss Medical Association (FMH)
    Società Svizzera di Ortopedia e Traumatologia (swiss orthopaedics)
    Società Svizzera di Chirurgia della Mano (SSCM – SGH) (Member Directory Board)
    Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the Hand (FESSH) (Member Public Relations Committee)
    European Wrist Arthroscopy Society (EWAS)
    Deutschsprachige Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Arthroskopie (AGA)
    International Society for Sport and Traumatology of the Hand (ISSPORTH)
    Schweizerische Belegärzte Vereinigung (SVB – ASMI)
    Società Ortopedica Ticinese (SOTi) (Member Directory Board)
    Ordine dei Medici del Canton Ticino (OMCT)
    Mendrisio Medical Meeting (Member Scientific Committee)
    Circolo Medico Lugano (CML)


  • Dr. med. Danilo  Togninalli
    Dr. med. Danilo Togninalli Clinica Ars Medica, Gravesano
    Dr. med. Danilo Togninalli

    Curriculum Vitae

    Dr. med. Danilo Togninalli

    Present position:
    Independent surgeon at Clinica Ars Medica Gravesano
    Consultant surgeon at Ospedale La Carità Locarno
    Indipendent surgeon at Clinica Santa Chiara Locarno

    Swiss Federal Medical Degree and Licensure Geneva University 1990,
    Doctorat en médecine, Berne University 1995,

    Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology FMH, 1998
    Sports Medicine SSMS, 1992

    Actual activity: 
    Main focus: Knee, shoulder and minimal invasive Hip arthroplasty .
    Team physician and consultant for many soccer, basketball, Track and field teams at all level of practice (amateur, challenge and champions League, national Teams).

    Swiss Orthopaedics,
    Swiss Medical Association FMH
    FMCH Swiss federation of surgeons
    ESSKA (European Society of Knee surgery and Arthroscopy),
    Swiss Surgeons (SMAT).

    Former Board Member in the the Swiss Society of Sports Medicine (SSMS).

    Other Activities:
    Co-founder of the “centro di medicina e chirurgia dello sport” (CMCS) (swiss olympic) in Locarno.
    Founder: yellow P Sports (sports counselling) and yP Foundation, (funding in orthopaedic and sports research).

  • Matthias  Tomzcak
    Matthias Tomzcak BEKA Hospitec
    Matthias Tomzcak

    Curriculum Vitae

    Matthias Tomczak
    Manager Therapy BEKA Hospitec, Wetzlar/Dutenhofen 

    09/2009 – 04/2012
    Fresenius University of applied sciences, Idstein:
    Therapy Sciences
    Degree: Master of Science (M.sc.)

    09/1999 - 09/2003
    Fresenius University of applied sciences, Idstein:
    Degree: Bachelor of Health (B.Sc.)

    09/1996 - 09/1999
    Christian Albrechts University, Kiel:
    Physical Education for Highschool level teaching
    History for Highschool level teaching
    German language for Highschool level teaching

    Work Experience
    Manager Therapy BEKA Hospitec, Wetzlar/Dutenhofen:
    Product Manager Therapy brand BEKA Hospitec
    Product development

    04/2008 – 02/2016
    Research fellow and Instructor, Fresenikus Univerity of applied sciences, Idstein and Frankfurt:
    Teaching varies physical therapy techniques
    Supervisor for Bachelor and Masters thesis
    Participation in different scientifically (Therapy sciences) research projects

    04/2004 – 2013
    Physiotherapist, Red Cross Hospital , Frankfurt am Main:
    Physiotherapy with orthopaedic patients

    10/2003 – 04/2004
    Physiotherapist, Rüsselsheim:
    Ambulantes Rehazentrum Rüsselsheim
    All kinds of Physiotherapy

    Manual Therapy
    Back School teacher
    Lymphatic therapist
    Supervisor Strength Training

  • Prof. Dr. Dr. Victor   Valderrabano
    Prof. Dr. Dr. Victor Valderrabano Osteoarthritis Research Center Basel, Schmerzklinik Basel / Privatklinik Obach
    Prof. Dr. Dr. Victor Valderrabano

    Curriculum Vitae

    Prof. Dr. Dr. Victor Valderrabano
    Osteoarthritis Research Center Basel, Schmerzklinik Basel / Privatklinik Obach

    Professor Valderrabano performed his medical studies in Zurich, Switzerland. He received his MD degree for the experimental work “Structural Adaptations of the Pars Convoluta of the Distal Tubulus of the Mouse Nephron under Thiazide Treatment” at the Institute of Anatomy in Zurich. He then completed his residency in Orthopaedics & Traumatology with achievement of the “Swiss Medical Degree for Orthopaedics and Traumatology”. Subsequently, he performed his curriculum in Sports Medicine with achievement of the “Swiss Federal Sports Medicine Medical Degree” in 2005. Professor Valderrabano obtained his Ph.D. (Dr. phil.) in Biomechanics at the Human Performance Laboratory at the University of Calgary in Canada in 2009.  From 2009 to 2014 he was elected as Chairman and Director of the Orthopaedic Department at the University Hospital of Basel, Basel, Switzerland. He is currently Chairman of the SWISS ORTHO CENTER in Basel and Professor for Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery at the University of Basel in Switzerland. Professor Valderrabano is author of numerous scientific papers and was honoured by several international scientific and clinical awards.

  • PD Dr. med. Fabian  von Knoch
    PD Dr. med. Fabian von Knoch Privatklinik Bethanien, Zürich
    PD Dr. med. Fabian von Knoch

    Curriculum Vitae

    PD Dr. med. Fabian von Knoch
    Hip & Knee Surgeon & Partner, Gelenkzentrum Zurich

    Medical School:
    1994-2001: University of Goettingen, Germany; University of Vienna, Austria

    2002-2007: FMH Residency in Orthopaedic Surgery
    Kantonsspital Chur, Switzerland
    Schulthess Clinic, Zurich Switzerland

    2001-2002: Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
    Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Massachusetts General Hospital,Harvard
    Medical School, Boston, MA, USA

    2008-2009: William H. Harris Fellowship in Adult Reconstructive Surgery
    Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Massachusetts General Hospital,
    Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA

    2013: Austrian-Switzerland-German (ASG) Switzerland Fellowship

    Consultant Surgeon:
    2009-2013: Consultant, Adult Knee & Hip Unit, Schulthess Clinic
    Since 2013: Hip & Knee Surgeon & Partner, Gelenkzentrum Zurich

    Board Certification:
    2007: FMH Swiss Orthopaedic Surgeon
    2011: Registration as Orthopaedic Surgeon in Bermuda

    Swiss Orthopaedic Society
    Expertengruppe Knie, Swiss Orthopaedic Society
    European Knee Society
    European Knee Associates (EKA)
    European Society for Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery, Arthroscopy

  • Dr. Andreas  von Roll
    Dr. Andreas von Roll Praxis für Orthopädie und Sportmedizin, Solothurn
    Dr. Andreas von Roll

    Curriculum Vitae

    Dr. Andreas Von Roll
    Praxis für Orthopädie und Sportmedizin, Solothurn / Privatklinik Obach

    2008 Fähigkeitsausweis Sportmedizin
    2008 Fähigkeitsausweis Manuelle Medizin
    2006 FMH Titel für Orthopädie und Traumatologie
    2000 Doktortitel
    1999 Staatsexamen Schweiz
    1999 Amerikanisches Staatsexamen
    1993-1999 Medizinstudium Bern
    1982-1991 Matura Typus B, Kantonsschule Solothurn

    Professional Experiences
    Seit 1.1.10 selbständig mit Belegarzt-Tätigkeit an Privatklinik Obach
    30.7.2007-30.7.2009 Universitätsspital Basel, Oberarzt Orthopädie und Traumatologie
    1.7.2005-31.5.2007 Spitalnetz Bern-Ziegler, ab 1.1.06 Oberarzt i.V. Orthopädie/Traumatologie
    01.04.2003-30.4.2005 Universitätsklinik Balgrist Zürich, Assistenzarzt Orthopädie
    01.04.2002-31.03.2003 Bürgerspital Solothurn, Assistenzarzt Orthopädie/Traumatologie
    01.09.2000-31.03.2002 Bürgerspital Solothurn, Assistenzarzt Chirurgie/Anästhesie (3 Monate)
    03.01.2000-30.06.2000 Universitätsklinik Balgrist, wissenschaftlicher Assistenzarzt Orthopädie

    Untersuchung über die zeitliche Stabilität von Aufmerksamkeitsstörungen bei schizophrenen Patienten (2000)

    Detailed CV

  • Dr. Bernhard  Waibl
    Dr. Bernhard Waibl Klinik Engeried, Bern
    Dr. Bernhard Waibl

    Curriculum Vitae

    Dr. Bernhard Waibl 
    Klinik Engeried, Bern

    Born 1973 in Bad Aibling, Germany

    Married to Patrizia Waibl, three children (born 2006, 2008 and 2012)

    Nationality: Swiss and German

    2000 Licensure to practice as doctor

    2001-2003 Doctoral Thesis: „The operative treatment of skeletal metastases - prognostic factors and durability of the reconstruction techniques"; Orthopedic University Hospital of Tubingen, Germany.

    Appraisal: „Magna cum laude“

    Professional experience

    2000-2001 Resident physician at the Orthopedic University Hospital of Tubingen, Germany

    2002-2004 Resident physician at the department for orthopedic surgery at the regional hospital of Tafers, Switzerland

    2004 Shoulder fellowship at the private practice "ShoulderCare", Sonnenhof Clinic Berne, Switzerland

    2004-2005 Resident physician at the department for general surgery at the Cadolles / Pourtalès hospitals, Neuenburg, Switzerland

    2005 Senior physician at the department for orthopedic surgery at the hospital "Hôpital de la Providence", Neuenburg, Switzerland

    2006-2008 Senior physician of the department of orthopedic surgery at the Hospital of Interlaken, Switzerland

    2008-2013 Senior physician of the Department of Orthobiologics and Cartilage Repair at the Schulthess Clinic Zurich, Switzerland

    Since July 2013:

    Own private practice specialized on the reconstruction of cartilage defects of the knee, ankle and elbow joint and the concomitant lesions of menisci and ligaments around the knee joint. 

  • Dr. med. Michael  Wettstein
    Dr. med. Michael Wettstein ITOLS Clinique de Genolier
    Dr. med. Michael Wettstein

    Curriculum Vitae

    Dr. med. Michael Wettstein
    ITOLS Clinique de Genolier

    Medical licencse, University of Lausanne, 1995

    Orthopaedic residency, Orthopaedic and Trauma Department, University Hospital CHUV Lausanne, Prof PF. Leyvraz

    Chief resident, Orthopaedic and Trauma Department, Hôpital de Morges, Dr T. Pache, 2000 - 2002

    Chief resident, Orthopaedic and Trauma Department, University Hospital CHUV Lausanne, Prof PF. Leyvraz, 2002 - 2003

    Senior chief resident, Orthopaedic and Trauma Department, University Hospital CHUV Lausanne, Prof PF Leyvraz, 2003 - 2006

    Fellowship in hip surgery, Orthopaedic Department, University Hospital Homburg / Saar, Prof. D. Kohn, PD Dr M. Dienst, 2005

    Consultant, Hip surgery,  Orthopaedic and Trauma Department, University Hospital CHUV Lausanne, Prof PF Leyvraz / Prof. A. Farron, 2006 - 2010

    Private practice, Hip surgery,  Orthopaedic Department, Hirslanden Clinique Bois-Cerf, Lausanne, 2010-2014

    Currently; Private practice, Hip surgery, Orthopaedic Department, SMN Clinique de Genolier and Montchoisi, Genolier and Lausanne

  • MD Dr. med. Martin  Wiewiorski
    MD Dr. med. Martin Wiewiorski Kantonsspital Winterthur
    MD Dr. med. Martin Wiewiorski

    Curriculum Vitae

    MD Dr. med. Martin Wiewiorski
    Consultant, Chief of the Foot and Ankle Section, Kantonsspital Winterthur

    Professional Career:
    since 05/2015
      Consultant, Chief of the Foot and Ankle Section, Department of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery, Kantonsspital Winterthur, Switzerland

    since 2014  FMH Swiss Medical Association Specialist Orthopedic and Trauma Surgery

    01/2014 – 12/2014  Consultant Orthopaedic Department, Foot and Ankle Section, University Hospital Basel, Switzerland (Prof. Dr. Dr. Victor Valderrabano)

    01/2012 – 06/2013  Research Fellow, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA

    09/2009 – 12/2013  Residency, Orthopaedic Department, University Hospital Basel, Switzerland

    01/2008 – 07/2009  Residency, Trauma Department, University Hospital Bergmannsheil Bochum, Germany (Prof. Dr. Gert Muhr)

    01/2007 – 12/2007  Research Fellow, Foot and Ankle Division, Orthopaedic Department, University Hospital Basel/Switzerland

    Research Activities:
    01/2012 – 06/2013
      Research Fellow Harvard Medical School, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA, USA „Comparison of Magnetic Resonance Imaging with dGEMRIC and Contrast-Enhanced Computed Tomography using anionic and cationic iodinated contrast agents to measure the GAG concentration and physical properties of articular cartilage in a human cadaver model”.

    06/2012  Doctoral thesis „99mTc-DPD-SPECT/CT predicts the outcome of imagingguided diagnostic anaesthetic injections: A prospective cohort study