E-Congress 27.08.2020 - En direct

Le programme en direct a été enregistré et sera disponible pour les participants jusqu'au 30 septembre 2020.

08:00 Ouverture par le Président, C. Dora, Zurich
08:05 Thème principal I - Gerontotraumatologie
  Fragility fractures: pelvic ring injury and acetabular fracture management algorithm
J. Bastian, Bern
Fragility fractures: weight-bearing restrictions in periarticular fractures of the knee and ankle
B.-C. Link, Luzern
Fragility fractures: place of bone augmentation and composite osteosynthesis
E. Thein, Lausanne
Fragility fractures: proximal humerus fractures management algorithm
C. Spross, St. Gallen
Fragility fractures: periprosthetic fracture of the acetabulum management algorithm
D. Hannouche, Genève
09:45 Pause
10:00 Thème principal I continuation - Gerontotraumatologie
  Open research questions in ortho-geriatric trauma? Short-, mid- and long-term impact of trauma
H. Bischoff-Ferrari, Zurich
PROFIND-Study of Germany - important results, survival, costs
C. Becker, Stuttgart
Team Talk: Ortho-geriatric challenges of the outpatient setting
N. Suhm, Basel
Team Talk: Ortho-geriatric challenges of the inpatient setting
G. Tschurr, Basel
Team Talk: Discussion
N. Suhm/G. Tschurr
When is “not operating a femoral neck fracture” the best option?
R. Kunz, Zurich
11:50 Pause
12:30 Thème principal II - Sports Orthopaedics
  Anteroinferior glenohumeral instability: Different procedures for different athletes?
M. Schär, Bern
Epicondylopathia humeri radialis or PLRI: Correct assessment leads to adequate therapy
C. Spross, St. Gallen
Finger lesions: When, How and how many fingers need to be taped?
A. Schweizer, Zurich
Femoroacetabular lesions: Groin pain in athletes leads to arthroscopy: true or false?
M. Tannast, Fribourg
Indications in ACL Reconstructions: When the athlete needs an additional anterolateral rotatory stabilisation procedure?
C. Egloff, Basel
Meniscus Bucket handle tear in athletes: Resect, refix or replace?
R. Martin, Lausanne
Spondylolysis in atheletes: Correct diagnosis and treatment strategy
M. Kleinschmidt, Bern
14:30 Pause
14:45 Thème principal II continuation - Sports Orthopaedics
  Ankle Sprain: How many sprains do the athlete needs before surgery?
A. Leumann, Basel
Degenerative changes after ACL reconstriuction: Is it the dead end?
P. Tscholl, Genève
Prevention of ligamentous injuries and dislocations: Factors predisposing to them in male/female athletes below 20 years?
L. Weisskopf, Rheinfelden
Rush for performance: The use of technology to optimize
B. Gojanovic, Meyrin
Key note Lecture: How to make an athlete long lasting: my experience in the last 30 years
R. Biedert, Zurich
16:20 Clôture du congrès annuel par le président local, M. A. Müller
17:00 Assemblé général swiss orthopaedics (members only)