Ärztlicher Direktor, Universitätsklinik Ulm, Klinik für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie/Psychotherapie, DE
Das klinisch relevante Konzept der indizierten Prävention/Frühintervention wird in Bezug auf belastende Kindheitsereignisse (ACE) dargestellt. Zentral ist dabei, dass die Kumulation von Belastungen wie unterschiedliche Formen der Kindesmisshandlung und Vernachlässigung oder Belastungen in der Herkunftsfamilie relevant für das Coping mit weiteren Belastungen und für potenzielle Folgeerkrankungen bzw. Resilienz ist. Frühkindliche Bindungserfahrungen und Rehabilitationsfähigkeit wirken sich protektiv aus. Massive frühe Vernachlässigung und emotionale Misshandlungen auch unter Peers oder Geschwistern sind klinisch relevante Belastungsfaktoren. Technologiegestürzte digitale Formen von Übergriffen, Cybermobbing etc., werden teilweise heute klinisch noch zu wenig beachtet. Stigma und vor allem Selbststigmatisierung führen bei den Betroffenen zusätzlich zu den Belastungsreaktionen häufig zu sozialem Rückzug und zunehmenden Teilhabedefiziten. Dies unterstreicht die entwicklungspsychopathologische Bedeutung früher Interventionen: Prävention kann in unterstützender, ja heilender Weise, in den Entwicklungsverlauf eingreifen.
Head of Department, University of Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry, UK
This talk will discuss why schools offer potential for prevention and discuss the related evidence base for schools as a good setting for the primary and secondary prevention of mental health conditions in children and adolescents
Associate Professor at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, KU Leuven (University of Leuven), Belgium, Professor of Psychodynamic Psychology at the Research Department of Clinical, Educational and Health Psychology, UCL (University College London), UK, Assistant Professor, Adjunct at the Yale Child Study Center in New Haven, Connecticut, USA.
Patrick Luyten, PhD is Professor of Clinical Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Leuven (Belgium) and at the Research Department of Clinical, Educational, and Health Psychology, University College London (UK). His main research interests are disorders from the affective spectrum (i.e., depression and stress- and pain-related disorders), and personality disorders. In both areas he is involved in basic research and in interventional research. He heads a treatment service for patients with depression and functional somatic disorders in PraxisP, the treatment center of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences from the KU Leuven, Belgium. Recent books he co-authored include the Handbook of Psychodynamic Approaches (Guilford Press, 2015), Therapeutic work for children with complex trauma: A three-track psychodynamic approach (Routlegde, 2023) and Brief Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy: A clinician’s guide (2nd ed.) (Oxford University Press, 2024).
The role of Parental Reflective Functioning in breaking the cycle of intergenerational trauma: Implications for prevention
Parental reflective functioning (PRF) or parental mentalizing refers to the capacity of the parent to envision their child as being motivated by internal mental states such as feelings, wishes, and desires, and to be able to reflect upon their own internal mental experiences and how they are shaped and changed by interactions with the child. More than three decades of research suggests that this capacity plays an important role in the development of children’s socio-emotional development. Recent research findings suggest that PRF may be particularly important in buffering the effects trauma and adversity, and thus in breaking the cycle of intergenerational trauma, with important implications for prevention and intervention. These findings are reviewed and basic principles of preventative interventions rooted in mentalizing approaches are outlined. I will close this talk with considerations concerning the implementation of interventions focusing on improving the capacity for parental reflective functioning.
University of Geneva, Assistant Professor
Digital phenotyping: a tool for the personalization of interventions in psychiatry?
Maude Schneider is assistant professor at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Geneva since 2019 where she heads the Clinical Psychology Unit for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Maude Schneider is working as a clinician and researcher in the field of neurodevelopmental disorders. Using a combination of clinical and cognitive approaches as well as digital phenotyping, her research aims to explore the mechanisms underlying social and mental health difficulties of adolescents and young adults with neurodevelopmental conditions.
In the first part of the presentation, Maude Schneider will present how Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) techniques can be used for symptom monitoring and for the exploration of relevant psychological mechanisms underlying the clinical expression of symptoms. In the second part of the presentation, she will highlight how information collected in the flow of daily-life could be used to personalize interventions in the fieldof mental health.
University of Geneva / Fondation Pôle Autisme, Ambizione Research Fellow / Medecin Chef de Clinique
Potential and challenges of digital phenotyping approaches to understand neurodevelopemental disorders.
Corrado Sandini studied medicine at the University of Genova in Italy. He then pursued a PhD in Neuroscience at the University of Geneva focusing on the developmental of computational approaches, namely dynamic network analysis, to characterize neurodevelopmental and clinical pathways of vulnerability to psychosis in 22q11DS. Since his PhD he divides his time as a resident in child and adolescent psychiatry at the Fondation Pole Autisme in Geneva and research activity. He has been supported by a clinical scientist grant of the NNCR Synapsy to study the role of sleep disturbances in 22q11DS and more recently by an the SNSF Ambizione Fellowship to study the contribution of sleep disturbances in contributing to affective comorbidities in ADHD using an ecological digital phenotyping approach and network analysis techniques.
Corrado will highlight the role that computational analysis techniques might play in the clinical translation of these technologies, by helping clinicians navigate the complexity of digital phenotyping data in a more intuitive and informative way. He will briefly discuss how increasing precision of clinical assessments could help us shed light on differential underlying neurobiological mechanisms.
Klinik für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie PUK Zürich, Chefärztin
Therapy program Robin: app-assisted treatment for adolescents at increased risk of psychosis
After graduating from the Liceo Cantonale in Locarno, Maurizia Franscini studied medicine first in Bern and then in Zurich, earning her MD in 1995. In 2006, she obtained her specialization in child and adolescent psychiatry and psychotherapy. Since 2000, she been working at the University Psychiatric Clinic in Zurich, where she currently holds the position of head physician. She developed and implemented the therapy App Robin Z at the University Hospital of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Zürich.
The Robin therapy program was developed in the early recognition center of Zurich with the aims to improve quality of life and daily functioning of adolescents at high risk for psychosis. In this presentation, the Robin therapy program will be presented and the hurdles and special features of treatment of adolescents will be discussed.
Univeritäre Psychiatrische Kliniken Basel, Professor of Translational Psychiatry
Computational psychiatry - explaining psychosis within the framework of predictive processing
Professor Sterzer studied medicine at the Ludwig Maximilian University Munich and at the Harvard Medical School and obtained his MD in 2001. He habilitated in Experimental Psychiatry at the Charité Berlin. He is board certified in Neurology and Psychiatry. From 2011 he was Professor of Psychiatry and Computational Neuroscience at the Charité and since 2022 he holds position of Professor of Translational Psychiatry, University of Basel, and Chief Physician, Zentrum für Diagnostik und Krisenintervention, Universitäre Psychiatrische Kliniken Basel. His research focuses on predictive coding and computational psychiatry.
There has been an increasing interest in theory-driven computational approaches towards explaining psychiatric disorders in recent years. Philipp will present a Bayesian predictive processing account of psychosis and empirical evidence from recent behavioral, neuroimaging and pharmacological intervention studies supporting this account. Moreover, he will discuss potential implications of such a theory-driven approach for the development of biological and psychological treatments.