Invited speaker

Friday, 5th July 2024, Room San Francisco, 09:15 to 10:00

Peter O'Sullivan

High value care for people with chronic low back pain: opportunities and challenges

Curriculum Vitae

Peter O'Sullivan, Prof
School of Allied Health Sciences, Curtin University

Peter is a John Curtin Distinguished Professor at the School of Allied Health Sciences at Curtin University and a Specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist. He is internationally recognised as a leading clinician, researcher and educator in musculoskeletal pain disorders. With his team he has published more than 320 scientific papers, written numerous book chapters and has been keynote speaker at over 100 national and international conferences. Peter also consults at half the week where he reviews disabling musculoskeletal pain disorders.

Peter’s passion is to bridge the gap between research and practice – in order to empower clinicians to deliver person-centred care to people in pain.

More from Peter O'Sullivan? Register now for his pre-conference-course!
Wednesday, 3 July 2024
Cognitive Functional Therapy for people with chronic low back pain - introductory workshop

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