P-1 |
How the first nine months shape the rest of your life |
Dr. Domenico Didiano |
P-2 |
Projet Ifigenia: les fils des parents atteints d’une maladie psychique |
Dr. Domenico Didiano |
P-3 |
Age differences in the relationship between motor and cognitive skills in Swiss preschool children |
MSc Annina Zysset |
P-4 |
Hilfreiche Bilderbücher für Kinder psychisch kranker Eltern |
Isabel Willemse |
P-5 |
Happy grandparents? A longitudinal study on changes in the perception of quality of life of over-fifty grandparents, between “family revolution” and economic crisis. |
PhD Carlo Lallo |
P-6 |
Physical activity and exercise programs in German-speaking psychiatric hospitals - an overview |
Prof. Dr. Serge Brand |
P-7 |
The Relationship between Parenting Styles and Aggression in Adolescents of Zahedan City in 2014.iran |
Prof. Dr. Mahboubeh F. Moghaddam |
P-8 |
BEST POSTER AWARD | 1. Preis/1st prize/1èr prix | Difficulties in daily living, psychosocial development, and the health of children raised by parents with schizophrenia |
Sachiko Tsuchida |
P-9 |
BEST POSTER AWARD | 2. Preis/2nd prize/2ème prix Stigma among home caregivers of patients with mental disorders in Iran |
Marjan Mohamadi |
P-10 |
Japanese clinicians’ practices and thoughts about supporting parents with mental illness and their children-A preliminary study |
PhD Rie Ueno |
P-11 |
"Die Kunst ist die Vermittlerin des Unaussprechlichen ..." Goethe |
Christa Lambertus; Daniel Zaugg; Heike Fischer |
P-12 |
Le pouvoir thérapeutique du groupe: un exemple des bénéfices d’une intervention groupale réalisée par le Servizio medico psicologico Locarno avec des adolescents. |
Gilles Baggi |
P-13 |
Groupe parentalité |
Marianne Jacot-Parel |
P-14 |
Delirkonzept in der Akutpsychiatrie |
Susanne Lindert |
P-15 |
Assessing the effects of transcranial direct current stimulation upon attention in Lewy body dementia: a crossover trial |
James Ashcroft |
P-16 |
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Methylphenidate with a Combination of Magnesium, Zinc and Calcium for the Treatment ofPatients with ADHD in the City of Zahedan |
Prof. Dr. Mahboubeh F. Moghaddam; PD Dr. Amir H. Heidaripoor |
P-17 |
Psychische Störungen und Sport |
Nikolai Kiselev |
P-18 |
Diagnostik im Vorschulalter mit Hilfe des SIVA 0-6 – Erste Erfahrungswerte und Implikationen |
Dr. Margarete Bolten |
P-19 |
GRUPIC - Groupement Romand des Urgences Psychiatriques et Interventions de Crise |
Stéphane Saillant |
P-20 |
Machbarkeit und Akzeptanz von Feedback-informierter Therapie in der Psychiatrie |
Dr. Anja Rogausch |
P-21 |
Integrated Behavioral Health in Primary Care: Promoting access to mental health care for children and families in the United States. |
PhD Courtney Valentine |
P-22 |
Mental toughness, sleep disturbances, and physical activity in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) compared to healthy adolescents and young adults - a pilot study |
Dr. Dena Sadeghi Bahmani |
P-23 |
Angebot KONFLIKT.GEWALT. St.Gallen - Rapperswil - Weinfelden - Winterthur - Zürich |
Andreas Hartmann |
P-24 |
Influence of psychosocial factors such as burden of early life adversities and life events, and the cognitive and affective processing of subjective contradictions and conflicts on symptoms, quality of life and treatment outcome |
Dr. Marzio Sabbioni |
P-25 |
Adoption of function-oriented interview in disability evaluation |
Dr. David von Allmen |
P-26 |
ANQ in der Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie - Erhebungsdaten im Vergleich mit stationären Diagnose- und Behandlungsparamtern |
PD Dr. med. Lars Wöckel |
P-27 |
Garde alternée : que conseiller ? |
Dr Séverine Cesalli |
P-28 |
Voralterung in der opioid-gestützten Substitutionsbehandlung? - Erfassung somatischer, psychischer und neurokognitiver Parameter bei älteren opiatabhängigen Patienten |
Dr. Manuel Sutter |
P-29 |
Exercise and Cognitive Bias Modification training in adults: Effects on self -reported anxiety |
Mrinalinee Rana |
P-30 |
Generalists and psychiatrists selecting antidepressants |
Dr Anne-Laure Pittet |
P-31 |
Effects of high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) on spontaneously hypertensive rats, an animal model of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder |
Jungyun Kim; Heamen Park |
P-32 |
Netzwerk Angehörigenarbeit Psychiatrie |
Thomas Lampert |
P-33 |
Hilfesuche für psychische Beschwerden – Ergebnisse einer epidemiologischen Erhebung im Kanton Bern |
Dr. phil Chantal Michel |
P-34 |
What kind of recognitions do mothers of children with psychic disturbance have for the children who are not psychic disturbance? |
Prof. Dr. Kyoko Amasa |
P-35 |
Pro Infirmis - das Kompetenzzentrum für Fragen rund um Behinderung |
Ruth Bonhôte |
P-36 |
Clinical course and use of coercive measures after involuntary admission of psychiatric patients |
Dr. Florian Hotzy |
P-37 |
Kognitive Leistungsfähigkeit opiatabhängiger Patienten |
Dr. Peggy Schmidt |
P-38 |
No evidence of impaired motor skills among 11 years old children with self-reported symptoms of ADHD compared to controls |
PhD Fahimeh Habibifar |
P-39 |
The web portal My Blue Box: an International tool about COPMI |
Francesca Tasselli |
P-40 |
A whole community approach to better outcomes for Families where a parent has a mental illness |
Becca Allchin; Kirsty Jungwirth |
P-41 |
Intergenerationelle Zusammenarbeit - Mitsprache von Minderjährigen bei medizinischen Heilbehandlungen |
lic. iur. Lena Schneller; Dr. Angelo Bernardon |
P-42 |
Der Einfluss von Stigma auf Hilfesuchverhalten im Kanton Bern |
Nina Schnyder |
P-43 |
Absichtsbildung und Zielsetzung als Outcome-Prädiktoren in der stationären Entwöhnungsbehandlung |
Smeralda Senn |
P-44 |
Zurück in den Alltag – Mütter nach Behandlung ihrer Alkoholabhängigkeit |
S. Gavez |
P-45 |
Soins de bébé, soins de parents: peut-on s’entendre ? |
Dr Ana Garcia |
P-46 |
Youth psychoeducation for COPMI children in a public school setting |
PhD Joanne Riebschleger |
P-47 |
Mental Health Literacy Websites for COPMI Youth |
MSW Daniel Cavanaugh |
P-48 |
Intervention multidisciplinaire pour les cas d’intoxication alcoolique chez les mineurs, Locarno (Canton Tessin) |
Sanja Glisic |
P-49 |
Schizotypie-Profile bei hilfesuchenden Personen zweier auf Psychosen spezialisierter Früherkennungszentren |
Rahel Flückiger |
P-50 |
Partizipative Präventionsarbeit mit Kindern und Jugendlichen zu Körperstrafen |
Madleina Brunner Thiam |
P-51 |
Risikomodell zur Psychoseprädiktion – Welchen Stellenwert hat die Neurokognition |
Dr. phil Chantal Michel |
P-52 |
Die Störanfälligkeit dynamisch-funktionaler Netzwerke bei erhöhtem Psychoserisiko |
Dr. des. Diana Wotruba |
P-53 |
Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD): l’utilisation et l’abus de internet parmi les adolescents du Servizio Medico Psicologico (SMP) Locarno |
Dr Sara Salvini |
P-54 |
Le syndrome de Prader Willi (SPW) et les problématiques psychopathologiques et comportementales de l’âge évolutif chez un patient du Servizio Medico Psicologico (SMP) Locarno. |
Dr Sara Salvini |
P-55 |
Health related quality of life in a Norwegian sample of children and adolescents living in families with parental somatic-, or mental illness, or substance dependency |
PhD Marit Hilsen |
P-56 |
Misuse of pregabalin: case series and literature review. |
PhD Matteo Preve |
P-57 |
Alliance Ruptures und Resolutions im Psychotherapieprozess von Jugendlichen mit Borderline Persönlichkeitsstörung – Eine Psychotherapie-Prozessforschungs Studie |
Nathalie Schenk |
P-58 |
Cannabis et psychose: des liens dangereux? |
Dr Nelson Feldman; Dr Logos Curtis |
P-59 |
LoPF-Q 12-18 – ein Instrument zur Erfassung der DSM-5 Levels of Personality Functioning im Jugendalter |
Dr. Kirstin Goth |
P-60 |
Verlauf psychophysiologischer Parameter während der Psychotherapie von Jugendlichen mit Borderline Persönlichkeitsstörung |
Lukas Fürer |
P-61 |
A study of behaviour and temperamental characteristics in offspring of patients with Acute and Transient Psychotic Disorder |
rashmita saha |
P-62 |
The association of hairortisol with psychological risk factors for psychiatric disorders: a pilot study in adolescent twins |
Dr. Liz Rietschel |
P-63 |
Specific personality changes in subjects with MCI and mild dementia are associated with cerebral Alzheimer’s pathology |
Domile Tautvydaite |
P-64 |
How School Nurses can Support Children Living with a Mentally Ill Parent |
Kyoko Tanonaka |
P-65 |
Alterseinflüsse auf Geschlechtsunterschiede in der Prävalenz und klinischen Relevanz von Ultra-High-Risk Symptomen und Kriterien in der Berner Allgemeinbevölkerung |
Dr. Liz Rietschel |
P-66 |
The impact of play-based group motor program on gross motor function and self-efficacy in Children with DCD |
PhD Fahimeh Habibifar |
P-67 |
The effect of task-oriented intervention on reaching to objects in Down syndrome: a case-report |
PhD Fahimeh Habibifar |
P-68 |
The effect of core stability training on balance in children with retarded fundamental motor skills development |
PhD Fahimeh Habibifar |
P-69 |
Usability of the Japanese version of the Inventory of callous-unemotional traits as a screening tool for children with neurodevelopmental disorder |
PhD Hirokazu Osada |
P-70 |
Exploring the Effect of an Intervention for Children Of Mentally Ill Parents – a Norwegian study |
Nina Lien Osen |
P-71 |
BEST POSTER AWARD | 3. Preis/3rd prize/3ème prix “And then someone asked: Has your mom gone crazy?” Being the child of a parent in psychiatric inpatient treatment - seen from children’s point of view |
Nina Lien Osen |
P-72 |
Perinatal Mental Health: A Qualitative Study of Pregnant Women’s Perceptions of Mental Illness in Accra, Ghana and Implications for Intervention and Care |
Buruwaa Agyekum |
P-73 |
The origins of mental toughness – prosocial behavior, and low internalizing and externalizing problems at the age of 5 years predict higher mental toughness scores at the age of 14 years |
Dr. Dena Sadeghi Bahmani |