Liste des affiches

Un aperçu du programme de tous les événements se trouve dans l’agenda

EBV associated Leiomyosarcoma in an immunosuppressed patient at an atypical location – a rare case report
Poster A01 - Épaule/coude
E. Eichenberger Conférencier Kantonsspital St. GallenB. HochreiterA. ToepferB. JostS. Keller
The role of anchor and suture removal in rotator cuffs infections
Poster A01 - Épaule/coude
E. Ammann Conférencier I. UçkayS. BouaichaK. WieserD. Meyer
Does the osseous configuration of the shoulder joint predispose to shoulder instability?
Poster A01 - Épaule/coude
K. Bütler Conférencier A. FriggH. Grehn
The use of a partially resorbable mesh to augment the insertion site of a functional muscle flap in reconstruction of active elbow flexion
Poster A01 - Épaule/coude
M. Bauer Conférencier Kantonsspital WinterthurJ. SproedtA. JandaliF. Jung
Does an abduction brace carry weight of the arm after supraspinatus repair?
Poster A01 - Épaule/coude
E. Bachmann Conférencier Balgrist University HospitalP. Schenk Balgrist University HospitalA. Aichmair Balgrist University HospitalT. Götschi Balgrist University HospitalC. Gerber Balgrist University HospitalD. Meyer Balgrist University Hospital
Outcome after long locking plate osteosynthesis of complex humeral shaft fractures.
Poster A01 - Épaule/coude
M. Grieb Conférencier Kantonsspital St.GallenV. Zdravkovic Kantonsspital St.GallenC. Spross Kantonsspital St.GallenB. Jost Kantonsspital St.Gallen
Innervation of the acromioclavicular joint by the suprascapular nerve
Poster A01 - Épaule/coude
P. Borbas Conférencier Kantonsspital BadenK. EidE. EkG. Feigl
Midshaft clavicle fractures: surgery provides better results compared with non-operative treatment. A meta-analysis.
Poster A01 - Épaule/coude
S. Tamborini Conférencier EOC (Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale) - Ospedale Regionale di LuganoD. Previtali EOC (Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale) - Ospedale Regionale di LuganoF. Marbach EOC (Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale) - Ospedale Regionale di LuganoE. Testa EOC (Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale) - Ospedale Regionale di LuganoG. Filardo EOC (Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale) - Ospedale Regionale di LuganoC. Candrian EOC (Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale) - Ospedale Regionale di Lugano
Intraoperative estimation of Popeye deformity appearance by electrical stimulation of the musculocutaneous nerve
Poster A01 - Épaule/coude
I. Unterfrauner Conférencier Balgrist University HospitalF. Grubhofer Balgrist University HospitalD. Meyer Balgrist University Hospital
“Coverage index and integrity of medial hinge”: two new radiological risk factors for secondary dislocation of humeral head fractures
Poster A01 - Épaule/coude
F. Frank Conférencier Kantonsspital Aarau AGK. Eid Kantonspital Baden
Mid- to long-term results of the arthroscopic autologous iliac crest bone grafting technique for anatomic glenoid reconstruction
Poster A01 - Épaule/coude
E. Böhm Conférencier Charité - Universitätsmedizin BerlinM. Minkus Charité - Universitätsmedizin BerlinN. Kraus-Spieckermann University of GreifswaldP. Moroder Charité - Universitätsmedizin BerlinM. Scheibel Schulthess Klinik Zürich
Effect of Prednisolone for prevention of muscle degeneration after infraspinatus tendon release in sheep
Poster A01 - Épaule/coude
C. GerberK. WieserF. GrubhoferA. Hasler Conférencier Universitätsklinik Balgrist
The Impact of Clavicular Length Restoration in the Treatment of Non-unions of Clavicular Midshaft
Poster A01 - Épaule/coude
D. Hollo Conférencier Universitätsspital BaselC. Kolling Schulthess Klinik ZürichF. Moro Schulthess Klinik ZürichL. Audigé Schulthess Klinik ZürichA. Müller Universitätsspital Basel
Effect of Biceps Rerouting Technique to Restore Glenohumeral Joint Stability for Massive Rotator Cuff Tears
Poster A01 - Épaule/coude
M. Maniglio Conférencier Inselspital BernY. KimS. HanM. Mc Garry Orthopaedic Biomechanics LaboratoryT. Lee Orthopaedic Biomechanics Laboratory
Development of a prediction model for the occurrence of shoulder stiffness within 6 months after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair
Poster A01 - Épaule/coude
L. Audigé Conférencier Schulthess KlinikS. Aghlmandi Basel Institute for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University Hospital BaselM. Flury Zentrum für Orthopädie & Neurochirurgie, In-MotionC. Grobet Schulthess KlinikQ. Felsch Schulthess KlinikJ. Gleich Schulthess KlinikM. Scheibel Schulthess Klinik
Sternoclavicular steroid injections and their role in decision-making for surgery
Poster A01 - Épaule/coude
L. Urbanschitz Conférencier Universitätsklinik BalgristP. Kriechling Universitätsklinik BalgristB. Fritz Universitätsklinik BalgristK. Wieser Universitätsklinik Balgrist
Effects of SuturePatch Augmentation in Superior Capsule Reconstruction for Irreparable Supraspinatus and Infraspinatus Tendon Tears: A biomechanical study
Poster A01 - Épaule/coude
M. Maniglio Conférencier Inselspital BernT. Mihata Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Osaka Medical College, Takatsuki, Osaka, JapanM. Künzler Inselspital BernC. Chalmers Orthopaedic Biomechanics Laboratory, Congress Medical Foundation, Pasadena, California, USAJ. Carbone Orthopaedic Biomechanics LaboratoryM. Mc Garry Orthopaedic Biomechanics LaboratoryT. Lee Orthopaedic Biomechanics Laboratory
Pin fixation of fractures of the hook of hamate with small diameter is a feasible option
Poster A02 - Main
J. Sproedt Conférencier Kantonsspital Winterthur (KSW)A. Leucht Kantonsspital Winterthur (KSW)
Surgical Management of Multiple Myeloma with Symptomatic Involvement of the Spine
Poster A03 - Rachis
H. Milavec Conférencier Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Inselspital, Bern University Hospital, SwitzerlandN. Ravikumar Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, National University Health System (NUHS) – Tower Block, Level 11, 1E Kent Ridge Road, Singapore 119228N. Syn Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, SingaporeC. Soekojo Department of Haematology-Oncology, National University Health System – Tower Block, Level 10, 1E Kent Ridge Road, Singapore 119228C. Wee J. Department of Haematology-Oncology, National University Health System – Tower Block, Level 10, 1E Kent Ridge Road, Singapore 119228N. Kumar Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, National University Health System (NUHS) – Tower Block, Level 11, 1E Kent Ridge Road, Singapore 119228
The long and short of it: outcome assessment using the SRS-instrument in patients with adult spinal deformity
Poster A03 - Rachis
A. Mannion Conférencier Schulthess KlinikA. ElferingJ. BagoF. PelliseA. VilaS. Richner-WunderlinM. LoiblI. ObeidA. AlanayF. Perez GruesoF. Kleinstück
What do patients consider to be an acceptable level of symptoms to live with after surgery for adult spinal deformity?
Poster A03 - Rachis
A. Mannion Conférencier Schulthess KlinikS. Richner-WunderlinI. ObeidF. PelliseJ. BagoA. AlanayF. Perez GruesoF. Kleinstück
Osteoblastoma in third cervical vertebra: Case report
Poster A03 - Rachis
M. Rüedi de Paiva Conférencier UFU - Federal University of UberlândiaF. de Tavares Canto UFU - Federal University of UberlândiaM. Bergamo Lomaz UFU - Federal University of Uberlândia
Factors associated with having an indication for surgery in lumbar spinal stenosis
Poster A03 - Rachis
A. Mannion Conférencier Schulthess KlinikM. Serra-BurrielH. BeckerS. NauerS. WinklhoferT. FeketeF. KleinstückD. HaschtmannF. BrunnerJ. BurgstallerM. FarshadF. Porchet
Spino-pelvic alignment after short segment transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (TLIF) - Is correction possible and worthwhile?
Poster A03 - Rachis
F. Massen Conférencier Schulthess KlinikA. Mannion Schulthess KlinikT. Fekete Schulthess KlinikD. Haschtmann Schulthess KlinikF. Kleinstück Schulthess KlinikD. Jeszenszky Schulthess KlinikF. Porchet Schulthess KlinikM. Loibl Schulthess Klinik
Preoperative Planning of Spinal Alignment by Statistical and Musculoskeletal Modeling
Poster A03 - Rachis
S. Caprara Conférencier ETH Zürich, Uniklinik BalgristM. Schneider Uniklinik BalgristJ. Snedeker ETH Zürich, Uniklinik BalgristM. Senteler Uniklinik BalgristM. Farshad Uniklinik Balgrist
Radiographic long-term results of Trauma-XLIF in thoracolumbar fractures
Poster A03 - Rachis
J. Fuchs Conférencier Kantonsspital St. GallenR. Schwizer Kantonsspital St. GallenF. Külling Kantonsspital St. GallenV. Zdravkovic Kantonsspital St. GallenB. Martens Kantonsspital St. Gallen
L4/L5 Nerve Root Compression After Vertical Sacral Fracture: An Indication for the Pararectus Approach?
Poster A03 - Rachis
S. Häckel Conférencier Inselspital BernS. Hoppe Inselspital BernJ. Bastian Inselspital BernC. Albers Inselspital BernP. Fairhurst Inselspital BernL. Benneker Inselspital BernM. Keel Trauma Zentrum Hirslanden
Patient-specific template-guided versus free-hand lumbar pedicle screw implantation – a randomized controlled trial
Poster A03 - Rachis
J. Spirig Conférencier Balgrist University HospitalS. Golshani University of ZürichM. Betz Balgrist University HospitalN. Farshad Balgrist University HospitalM. Farshad Balgrist University Hospital
Stand-alone Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion (ALIF) for grade I isthmic spondylolisthesis
Poster A03 - Rachis
N. Porz Conférencier Sonnenhof - BernM. KleinschmidtR. TeuscherP. Heini
From medical images to patient specific biomechanical analysis – a machine learning based pipeline
Poster A03 - Rachis
S. Caprara Conférencier ETH Zürich, Uniklinik BalgristJ. Snedeker ETH Zürich, Uniklinik BalgristM. Farshad Uniklinik BalgristM. Senteler Uniklinik Balgrist
Patient-specific disc loads as predictor for adjacent segment desease in lumbar spinal fusion
Poster A03 - Rachis
M. FarshadP. Furrer Conférencier F. Wanivenhaus Universitätsklinik BalgristL. UrbanschitzM. Senteler
From broken spine to broken heart: Takotsubo cardiomyopathy during conservative management of spine fractures
Poster A03 - Rachis
A. Kalogeropoulos Conférencier HFR Tafers, Orthopädische KlinikZ. Al-Momani HFR Tafers, Orthopädische KlinikC. Marti HFR Tafers, Orthopädische Klinik
Refractory autoimmune hemolytic anemia secondary to metal-on- metal total hip replacement
Poster A04 - Hanche
I. Raabe Conférencier HFR Fribourg - Hôpital CantonalP. WahlE. LevratE. Gautier
Unrecognized chondrosarcoma as a cause of total hip arthroplasty failure. A case series and review of the literature.
Poster A04 - Hanche
L. Mustaki Conférencier Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV)P. Goetti Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV)N. Gallusser Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV)H. Ruediger Schulthess KlinikS. Cherix Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV)
Metal wear in metal-on-metal total hip arthroplasty is not always caused by the bearing: a case report.
Poster A04 - Hanche
P. Grimm Conférencier Kantonsspital Winterthur (KSW)C. Domman-Scherrer Kantonsspital Winterthur (KSW)V. Fretz Kantonsspital Winterthur (KSW)A. Wepf Kantonsspital Winterthur (KSW)C. Meier Kantonsspital Winterthur (KSW)P. Wahl Kantonsspital Winterthur (KSW)
Reconstruction of Femoral Head Impaction Injuries using Osteochondral Shell Autografts Harvested from the Head-Neck Junction – Minimal 4-year Follow-up
Poster A04 - Hanche
M. Hanke Conférencier Inselspital Universitätsspital BernM. KeelJ. Cullmann BastianK. SiebenrockJ. Bastian
Joint compression forces in abnormal version of acetabulum or femur in different joint positions- a 3D finite element study
Poster A04 - Hanche
T. Roth Conférencier Universitätsklinik BalgristS. Rahm Universitätsklinik BalgristA. Jungwirth-Weinberger Universitätsklinik BalgristJ. Süess Universitätsklinik BalgristR. Sutter Universitätsklinik BalgristF. Schellenberg ETH ZürichB. Taylor ETH ZürichJ. Snedeker Universitätsklinik BalgristJ. Widmer Universitätsklinik BalgristP. Zingg Universitätsklinik Balgrist
Dupuytren-like fibromatosis of the acetabular labrum: a case report
Poster A04 - Hanche
M. Senftl Conférencier HFR – Cantonal Hospital FribourgS. Schobinger-Clément Institute of Pathology, FribourgE. Stauffer Institute of Pathology, FribourgE. Gautier HFR – Cantonal Hospital Fribourg
It’s worth cleaning – The sole examination of the female taper identified the cause of a trunnion failure 16 years after total hip arthroplasty
Poster A04 - Hanche
M. Büchner Conférencier Kantonsspital Winterthur (KSW)R. Cook Nationales Institut für Tribotechnik, Universität von SouthamptomC. Dommann-Scherrer Kantonsspital Winterthur (KSW)C. Meier Kantonsspital Winterthur (KSW)P. Wahl Kantonsspital Winterthur (KSW)
Myositis ossificans of the thigh reducing hip flexion after THA
Poster A04 - Hanche
M. Izzo Conférencier HFR – Cantonal Hospital, Fribourg, SwitzerlandJ. Laurençon HFR – Cantonal Hospital, Fribourg, SwitzerlandE. Gautier HFR – Cantonal Hospital, Fribourg, Switzerland
Results of osteosynthesis versus acute total hip arthroplasty for acetabular fractures in the elderly
Poster A04 - Hanche
X. Lannes Conférencier Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV)S. Steinmetz Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV)K. Moerenhout Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV)O. Borens Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV)
Results of open reduction internal fixation versus percutaneous iliosacral screw fixation for unstable posterior pelvic ring disruptions: retrospective study of 36 patients
Poster A04 - Hanche
S. Abou-Khalil Conférencier CHUV & Université de LausanneS. Steinmetz CHUV lausanneL. Mustaki CHUV lausanneE. Thein CHUV lausanneO. Borens CHUV lausanne
Predicting postoperative complications in patients with acetabular fractures
Poster A04 - Hanche
P. Fairhurst Conférencier Inselspital, Universität BernD. Tsinas Inselspital, Universität BernC. Correa ShokicheM. Keel Inselspital, Universität BernK. Siebenrock Inselspital, Universität BernJ. Bastian Inselspital, Universität Bern
Delamination of the hydroxyapatite coating from the stem 14 months after total hip arthroplasty
Poster A04 - Hanche
F. Schoenweger Conférencier C. SprecherA. NeelsS. MilzA. DommannC. MeierP. Wahl
Coronal alignment parameters vary widely in non-osteoarthritic knees – a study performed on 3DCT
Poster A05 - Genou
S. Hess Conférencier Kantonsspital BasellandL. Moser Conférencier Kantonsspital BasellandH. Behrend Kantonsspital St.GallenM. Hirschmann Kantonsspital Baselland
Meniscus sizing using three-dimensional models of the ipsilateral tibia plateau based on CT scans - a new sizing approach
Poster A05 - Genou
S. Beeler Conférencier L. VlachopoulosL. JudR. SutterT. GötschiP. FürnstahlS. Fucentese
Three-dimensional meniscus allograft sizing - a retrospective study of 280 helathy menisci
Poster A05 - Genou
S. Beeler Conférencier L. VlachopoulosL. JudM. von AtzigenR. SutterP. FürnstahlS. Fucentese
Highly variable coronal tibial and femoral alignment in osteoarthritic knees – a systematic review
Poster A05 - Genou
S. Hess Conférencier Kantonsspital BasellandL. Moser Conférencier Kantonsspital BasellandH. Behrend Kantonsspital St.GallenM. Hirschmann Kantonsspital Baselland
Native non-osteoarthritic knees have a highly variable patellofemoral alignment – a systematic review
Poster A05 - Genou
B. Hochreiter Conférencier Kantonsspital St. GallenL. MoserS. HessM. HirschmannF. AmslerH. Behrend
Blackburne-Peel or modified Insall-Salvati ratio after total knee arthroplasty – is there a clinical relevance?
Poster A05 - Genou
R. Gerlach Conférencier Kantonsspital Sankt GallenA. Ladurner Kantonsspital Sankt GallenC. Spross Kantonsspital Sankt GallenV. Zdravkovic Kantonsspital Sankt GallenH. Behrend Kantonsspital Sankt Gallen
Surgical access to proximal tibio-fibular joint problems
Poster A05 - Genou
T. Bühler Conférencier Kantonsspital Aarau AGK. Eid Kantonsspital BadenG. Exner Orthopädiezentrum Zürich
Open Knee Extensor Mechanism Ruptures: A Less Invasive Technique
Poster A05 - Genou
D. Stafylakis Conférencier Geneva University HospitalA. Gamulin
Short-Term Outcomes of Extensor Mechanism Allograft Reconstruction in Multi-Operated Knees
Poster A05 - Genou
T. Martinho Conférencier HFR Fribourg - Hôpital CantonalD. Petek HFR Fribourg - Hôpital Cantonal
Poster A05 - Genou
P. Tscholl Conférencier Hôpital Universitaires GenèveS. Gard Unité d'Orthopédie et de Traumatologie du Sport (UOTS)P. Angelloz-Pessey CMU GenèveL. Allet Department of Community Medicine
Recurrent Patellar Dislocations: Trochleoplasty Improves the Results of Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Surgery only in Severe Trochlear Dysplasia – A Meta-analysis
Poster A05 - Genou
G. Pagliazzi Conférencier EOC (Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale) - Ospedale Regionale di LuganoD. Previtali EOC (Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale) - Ospedale Regionale di LuganoS. Tamborini EOC (Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale) - Ospedale Regionale di LuganoM. Delcogliano EOC (Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale) - Ospedale Regionale di LuganoG. Filardo EOC (Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale) - Ospedale Regionale di LuganoC. Candrian EOC (Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale) - Ospedale Regionale di Lugano
Bone bruise characteristics in the pediatric population with anterior cruciate ligament tears
Poster A05 - Genou
V. Bordoni Conférencier Ospedale Civico LuganoG. Di Laura Frattura ospedale regionale di LuganoF. Napoli ospedale regionale di LuganoL. Deabate ospedale regionale di LuganoG. Filardo ospedale regionale di LuganoC. Candrian ospedale regionale di Lugano
Tibio-Femoral Kinematics of the Healthy Knee during Level and Downhill Walking
Poster A05 - Genou
B. Postolka Conférencier ETH Zürich, Institute for BiomechanicsP. Schütz ETH Zürich, Institute for BiomechanicsS. Fucentese Balgrist University HospitalR. List ETH Zürich, Institute for BiomechanicsW. Taylor ETH Zürich, Institute for Biomechanics
Back To Work After Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA): A Work Perspective.
Poster A05 - Genou
L. Delaune Conférencier eHnv Hôpital YverdonA. Luyet EHNV-Yverdon-les_BainsJ. Fischer EHNV-Yverdon-les-BainsO. Husmann EHNV-Yverdon-les-BainsB. Vuilleumier EHNV-Yverdon-les-BainsA. Lunebourg EHNV Yverdon-les-Bains
Back to Work After Knee Arthroplasty: Total (TKA) vs Unicompartimental (UKA).
Poster A05 - Genou
L. Delaune Conférencier eHnv Hôpital YverdonA. Luyet EHNV-Yverdon-les-BainsO. Husmann EHNV-Yverdon-les-BainsJ. Fischer EHNV-Yverdon-les-BainsB. Vuilleumier EHNV-Yverdon-les-BainsA. Lunebourg EHNV- Yverdon-les-Bains
Gradual correction of at least 3-dimensional deformities with the external fixator Taylor Spatial Frame. A review of 34 cases
Poster A05 - Genou
H. Manner Conférencier Schulthess Klinik ZürichR. Velasco Schulthess Klinik Zürich
Résults after knee arthrodesis with T2 Stryker Nail ® in severe bone loss
Poster A05 - Genou
D. Roche Conférencier CHUVS. Steinmetz CHUVA. Luyet EHNVB. Morattel CHUVO. Borens CHUV
Small Patella Syndrome (SPS)
Poster A05 - Genou
S. Schmeichel Conférencier Kantonsspital OltenS. Cronenberg Kantonsspital OltenA. Burckhardt Kantonsspital OltenC. Schwaller Kantonsspital Olten
Clinical and Patient-Reported Short-Term Results after Customized Individually Made Total Knee Arthroplasty
Poster A05 - Genou
R. Kaelin Conférencier Praxis LEONARDO, Hirslanden Klinik BirshofN. Vogel Praxis LEONARDO, Hirslanden Klinik BirshofM. Arnold Praxis LEONARDO, Hirslanden Klinik Birshof
Revision total knee arthroplasty in a patient with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease.
Poster A05 - Genou
J. Mahlouly Conférencier CHUV, Lausanne University HospitalA. Antoniadis CHUV, Lausanne University HospitalD. Wernly CHUV, Lausanne University HospitalJ. Stanovici CHUV, Lausanne University HospitalO. Guyen CHUV, Lausanne University Hospital
Mobil Bearing 180° Spin after Medial Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty – a Report of two Clinical Cases
Poster A05 - Genou
L. Noser Conférencier STS AG ThunB. Christen Articon Spezialpraxis für Gelenkschirurgie
Thirty-Month Follow-up after Combined Osteochondral and Meniscal Allograft Transplantation of a Lateral Tibial Plateau in a Young Patient
Poster A05 - Genou
R. Maduz Conférencier Kantonsspital WinterthurJ. Delaloye Kantonsspital WinterthurS. Blatter Kantonssiptal WinterthurJ. Murar Twin cities orthopaedicsP. Koch Kantonsspital Winterthur
The Bosworth-like pilon-fracture: An uncommon case of ankle-fracture dislocation
Poster A06 - Pied
J. Hasler Conférencier Bürgerspital Solothurn (Solothurner Spitäler AG)A. FluryG. GkagkalisA. AntoniadisK. Moerenhout
Realignment osteotomy in fibular malunion: mid-term results in 19 consecutive patients
Poster A06 - Pied
E. Smirnov Conférencier KSBLV. Valderrabano Swiss Ortho Center AGA. Barg University Orthopaedic Center
Subtalar instability: Cadaveric Study
Poster A06 - Pied
H. Kutaish-Stern Conférencier Clinique La Colline, Centre Assal, Foot and Ankle Surgery CenterA. Acker Lausanne University Hospitals (CHUV) and University of Lausanne (UNIL), Lausanne, SwitzerlandR. Stern Centre of Foot and Ankle Surgery, Clinique La Colline, Geneva, SwitzerlandM. Assal Centre of Foot and Ankle Surgery, Clinique La Colline, Geneva, Switzerland
Bilateral osteochondritis dissecans of talar heads and medial femoral condyles: a case report
Poster A06 - Pied
S. Pasquinelli Conférencier HFR Fribourg - Hôpital CantonalG. Barbier HFR Fribourg - Hôpital CantonalM. Lottenbach HFR Fribourg - Hôpital CantonalE. Gautier HFR Fribourg - Hôpital Cantonal
Poster A06 - Pied
F. Soldati Conférencier Spital ThunK. Klaue Clinica Moncucco
Outcome of ray resection as the definitive treatment in forefoot infection or ischemia - a cohort study
Poster A06 - Pied
T. Häller Conférencier Universitätsklinik BalgristP. Kaiser Universitätsklinik BalgristD. Kaiser Universitätsklinik BalgristM. Berli Universitätsklinik BalgristI. Uçkay Universitätsklinik BalgristF. Waibel Universitätsklinik Balgrist
No recurrence at long-term follow up after wide excision of M. Ledderhose
Poster A06 - Pied
H. Anwander Conférencier Inselspital Universitätsspital BernA. Seidel Inselspital Universitätsspital BernF. Krause Inselspital Universitätsspital Bern
Revision after Total Transmetatarsal Amputation
Poster A06 - Pied
P. KaiserT. HällerI. Uçkay Conférencier D. KaiserM. BerliT. BöniF. Waibel
Entrapment of the Superficial Peroneal Nerve Following a Tri-malleolar Fracture: Report of a Case
Poster A06 - Pied
J. Gozzo Conférencier CHUV University Hospitals and University of Lausanne (UNIL)A. Chidda Conférencier CHUV University Hospitals and University of Lausanne (UNIL)A. Acker CHUV University Hospitals and University of Lausanne (UNIL)X. Crevoisier CHUV University Hospitals and University of Lausanne (UNIL)
Use of retrograde intramedullary nailing technique in the reduction and fixation of pediatric Monteggia fractures type III - a report of 5 cases
Poster A07 - Domaine spécial 1 | enfants
G. Thürig Conférencier I. RaabeP. VialM. LottenbachE. Gautier
Transitional Salter type II like avulsion fracture of the apophysis of the iliac crest in an adolescent.
Poster A07 - Domaine spécial 1 | enfants
F. Kocher Conférencier Department of Orthopedic Surgery, HFR-Fribourg Cantonal Hospital, SwitzerlandI. Raabe Department of Orthopedic Surgery, HFR-Fribourg Cantonal Hospital, SwitzerlandE. Gautier Department of Orthopedic Surgery, HFR-Fribourg Cantonal Hospital, Switzerland
Unusual presentation of cystic echinococcosis: a case report
Poster A07 - Domaine spécial 2 | Infections
D. Wernly Conférencier S. Steinmetz University Hospital Center of the Canton de Vaud (CHUV)S. Giulieri University Hospital Center of the Canton de Vaud (CHUV)S. Cherix University Hospital Center of the Canton de Vaud (CHUV)O. Borens University Hospital Center of the Canton de Vaud (CHUV)
Fracture on a septic nonunion after an intramedullary nailing of the proximal femur: two-stage implantation. A case report.
Poster A07 - Domaine spécial 2 | Infections
H. Heutschi-Öztürk Conférencier T. BucheggerJ. Mahlouly
Pneumococcal pyogenic arthritis of the shoulder with cartilage destruction following two steroid injections: An extremely rare complication in a healthy adult
Poster A07 - Domaine spécial 2 | Infections
B. Kraler Conférencier Orthopädie Sonnenhof, Salvisbergstrasse 4, 3006 BernP. Bissig Orthopädie Sonnenhof, Salvisbergstrasse 4, 3006 BernR. Nyffeler Orthopädie Sonnenhof, Salvisbergstrasse 4, 3006 Bern
Bone crushing in infected pseudarthroses- An extraordinary way to treat osteomyelitis caused by resistant bacteria
Poster A07 - Domaine spécial 2 | Infections
M. Reichelt Conférencier University Hospital BaselS. Gehmert University Children`s Hospital BaselA. Krieg University Children`s Hospital BaselA. Nowakowski Spital Uster
Bone and joint infections in the elderly - where do we stand?
Poster A07 - Domaine spécial 2 | Infections
I. Uçkay Conférencier
Rare benign intravascular myopericytoma leading to foot pain in a 51-year-old lady. A case report.
Poster A07 - Domaine spécial 3 | tumeurs
F. Kocher Conférencier Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Cantonal Hospital HFR-Fribourg, SwitzerlandS. Schobinger-ClémentM. Lottenbach
Percutaneous image-guided cryoablation of sacral chordoma
Poster A07 - Domaine spécial 3 | tumeurs
A. Traverso Conférencier CHUV / University of LausanneA. BazanN. GallusserS. Abou-KhalilP. GoettiL. MustakiF. VauclairI. LetovanecG. TsoumikadouM. MontemurroS. Cherix
Extended Forequarter Resection Including the Chest Wall and Lung with Brachial Free Fillet Flap Coverage
Poster A07 - Domaine spécial 3 | tumeurs
N. Lindenblattd. SchneiterM. LachatD. JeszenskyB. Fuchs Conférencier
Complete Resection of the Obturator Internus Muscle through Through Antero-inferior Pelvic Exposure
Poster A07 - Domaine spécial 3 | tumeurs
M. WaldnerJ. PlockK. LehmannB. Fuchs Conférencier
Aggressive Recurrent Juxtacortical Chondomyxoid Fibroma of the Proximal Thigh Requiring Complete Proximal Femoral Resection
Poster A07 - Domaine spécial 3 | tumeurs
H. KleinJ. PlockT. DreherH. HuberB. BodeB. Fuchs Conférencier
Excessive White Drainage after Cerament Filling and Curettage of an Aneurysmal Bone Cyst at the Distal Radius
Poster A07 - Domaine spécial 3 | tumeurs
H. Anwander Conférencier Inselspital Universitätsspital BernU. Hug Luzerner KantonsspitalB. Fuchs Luzerner Kantonsspital, Kantonsspital Winterthur, UniversitätsSpital Zürich USZ, Universitätskinderspital Zürich
Solitary Epiphysial Enchondroma of the Proximal Humerus in a 13-Year-Old Boy with short humerus lengthened with the PreciceR nail
Poster A07 - Domaine spécial 3 | tumeurs
G. Exner Conférencier Orthopädie Zentrum ZürichL. Mazzucchelli Patologia ClinicaF. Napoli Ospedale Civico LuganoC. Candrian Ospedale Regionale di Lugano - Sede Civico, Lugano Switzerland.
Poster A07 - Domaine spécial 3 | tumeurs
E. Urbani Conférencier LUKS WolhusenJ. BucherR. HerzogP. Schai
Corrective osteotomy in X-linked vitamin D-resistant hypophosphatemic rickets (VDXLR) needs optimal metabolic control to be successful
Poster A07 - Domaine spécial 3 | tumeurs
I. Knych Conférencier Kantonsspital AarauK. Eid Kantonsspital BadenT. Bühler Kantonsspital BadenG. Exner Orthopädiezentrum Zürich
High Demand 3D-printed Custom Made Shoulder Prosthesis Reconstruction after Tikhoff-Linberg Resection
Poster A07 - Domaine spécial 3 | tumeurs
F. MaduzL. PozziM. PisanB. Fuchs Conférencier
Low Demand Hanging Bridge Reconstruction after Tikhoff-Linberg Shoulder Resection
Poster A07 - Domaine spécial 3 | tumeurs
F. MaduzL. PozziM. PisanB. Fuchs Conférencier
Extra-Articular PAO Resection in one Piece with the Proximal Femur and Reconstruction with a Pelvic Prosthesis
Poster A07 - Domaine spécial 3 | tumeurs
F. RothM. HanikaM. BeckB. Fuchs Conférencier LUKS Luzern
Is Total Humerus Resection with Prosthetic Reconstruction Safe in a Patient with Pathological Fracture from Dedifferentiated Chondrosarcoma?
Poster A07 - Domaine spécial 3 | tumeurs
P. HäfeliC. HuemmerJ. RosenkranzR. SchoenigerB. Fuchs Conférencier LUKS Luzern
Osteotomy Through the Sacral Ala: The Advantage of Using a 3D-Printed Resection Guide
Poster A07 - Domaine spécial 3 | tumeurs
F. KalbererN. FuchsH. KleinB. Fuchs Conférencier
Toxic Megacolon with Perforation as a Severe Complication after Sacro-Iliacal Hemipelvectomy
Poster A07 - Domaine spécial 3 | tumeurs
R. SchweizerH. KleinF. KalbererF. KalbererD. JeszenskyB. Fuchs Conférencier
Hyperparathyroidism with ‘swiss cheese skeleton’ in a 21y old man.
Poster A07 - Domaine spécial 3 | tumeurs
G. Exner Conférencier Orthopädie Zentrum ZürichD. Schmid Medizinisch Radiologisches Institut (MRI) ZürichM. Kurrer Gemeinschaftspraxis für Pathologie
Giant Pendulum WDLS Through Sciatic Notch: Transient Iliac Osteotomy For Complete Tumor Resection
Poster A07 - Domaine spécial 3 | tumeurs
P. HäfeliC. HuemmerJ. MetzgerM. BeckB. Fuchs Conférencier LUKS Luzern
Pearls and pitfalls in diagnosis and treatment of foot and ankle tumours: Delayed diagnosis and interdisciplinary treatment of a pleomorphic leiomyosarcoma - a case report
Poster A07 - Domaine spécial 3 | tumeurs
K. Lanner Conférencier Kantonspital St. GallenA. Toepfer Kantonspital St. Gallen
Intraosseus epidermal cyst of the distal phalanx of the thumb: A rare finding
Poster A07 - Domaine spécial 3 | tumeurs
C. Stambolsky Conférencier Clinique Générale de FribourgC. SiebenmannG. Kohut
Complete Anterior Pubic Hemipelvectomy does not Require Reconstruction
Poster A07 - Domaine spécial 3 | tumeurs
D. ThodisF. KalbererL. KernF. GriederB. Fuchs Conférencier
Reconstruction of the Flexor Compartment after Soft Tissue Sarcoma Resection of the Proximal Forearm
Poster A07 - Domaine spécial 3 | tumeurs
F. RothU. HugG. StuderS. HoferB. BodeB. Fuchs Conférencier LUKS Luzern
Load-induced changes in articular cartilage biomarkers before and after high tibial osteotomy in patients with medial knee osteoarthritis
Poster A08 - Recherche de base
A. Mündermann Conférencier Universätsspital BaselA. Liphardt Universitätsklinikum ErlangenC. Egloff Universitätsspital BaselG. Pagenstert Knie-Institut BaselC. Nüesch Universitätsspital Basel
Transfemoral amputation: assessment before and after a new distal weight-bearing implant
Poster A08 - Recherche de base
G. Carmona Conférencier Hôpitaux Universitaires de GenèveA. Lacraz Hôpitaux Universitaires de GenèveA. Gamulin Hôpitaux Universitaires de GenèveH. KUTAISH Clinique La CollineA. BONNEFOY Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève et Universités de GenèveS. Armand Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève et Universités de GenèveM. Assal Clinique La Colline
Major Lower Limb Amputation for Vascular disease: Does Diabetes Mellitus Influence Prosthetic Fitting?
Poster A08 - Recherche de base
G. Carmona Conférencier Hôpitaux Universitaires de GenèveA. Lacraz Hôpitaux Universitaires de GenèveH. KUTAISH Clinique La CollineC. GRAF Hôpitaux Universitaires de GenèveM. Assal Clinique La Colline
Assessment of fluid dynamic stimulation effects on cell mineralization in bioprinted scaffolds
Poster A08 - Recherche de base
V. Mainardi Conférencier Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale EOCM. Rubert ETH ZurichC. Arrigoni Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale EOCG. Dubini Politecnico di MilanoC. Candrian Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale EOCM. Moretti Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale EOCR. Müller ETH Zurich
A 3D microfluidic in vitro model of an osteoarthritic joint as a screening platform for biological therapies.
Poster A08 - Recherche de base
D. D'Arrigo Conférencier Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale EOCC. Arrigoni Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale EOCC. Mondadori IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico GaleazziS. Lopa IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico GaleazziM. Moretti Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale EOCC. Candrian Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale EOC
Cartilage Studies In Large Animal Model: What Can Be Done With the Domestic and Göttingen Pigs?
Poster A08 - Recherche de base
H. Kutaish-Stern Conférencier Centre of Foot and Ankle Surgery, Clinique La Colline, Geneva, SwitzerlandV. Tieng Faculty of Medicine, Geneva UniversityP. Tscholl Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology Department, Geneva University Hospitals (HUG), Geneva Switzerland
Redesigning commercial total hip replacement instruments: an educational project
Poster A08 - Recherche de base
V. Stadelmann Conférencier Schulthess KlinikC. David-Vaudey Ecole Polytechnique Federale de LausanneA. Bizeul Ecole Polytechnique Federale de LausanneN. Schmutz Ecole Polytechnique Federale de LausanneV. de Poulpiquet Ecole Polytechnique Federale de LausanneM. Trupin Ecole Polytechnique Federale de LausanneA. Salvati Ecole Polytechnique Federale de LausanneE. Freud Ecole Polytechnique Federale de LausanneE. Fernandez Ecole Polytechnique Federale de LausanneH. Rüdiger Schulthess KlinikD. Pioletti Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
Influence of bone mineral density on mechanical properties of the cancellous bone within humeral head affected from glenohumeral osteoarthritis.
Poster A08 - Recherche de base
V. Zdravkovic Conférencier Kantonsspital St.GallenA. NeelsJ. HofmannB. Jost
Well leg compartment syndrome in trauma surgery – femoral shaft fracture treated by femoral intramedullary nailing in the hemilithotomy position: case series and review of the literature
Poster A09 - Assurance de la qualité
I. Brouze Conférencier Hôpital Cantonal FribourgS. Steinmetz CHUV / University of LausanneJ. McManusO. Borens CHUV