Societés/ Institutions | Comité d'organisation | International Scientific Committee | Sociétés affiliées et apparentées à la SSPPGestion de projet
Kaspar Aebi (Co-Chair PSY Congress 2016)Dr. Kaspar Aebi is President of the annual Swiss PSY congress; member of the board of SSPP; group practise for psychiatry and psychotherapy; Burgdorf, CH
Kurt Albermann (Co-Chair PSY Congress 2016)Dr. Kurt Albermann is Director of the Social Paediatric Centre at the Winterthur Hospital, Switzerland and Chair of the International Conference on Transgenerational Mental Health 2016; Winterthur, CH
Clemens HosmanProf. Dr. Clemens Hosman is Emeritus Professor of Mental Health Promotion and Prevention at the Maastricht University and Radboud University; Nijmegen, NL
Monika Alessi-NäfManager iks; Winterthur, CH
Daniel BielinskiDr. Daniel Bielinski, Vice President SSPP; head of department psychiatry, psychiatric service regional hospital of Emmental; Langenthal, CH
Alfred KünzlerDr. Alfred Künzler, Leader Coordination Office, Mental Health Network Switzerland; Bern, CH
Susanne WalitzaProf. Dr. Susanne Walitza, professor for child psychiatry and youth psychiatry, University of Zurich, medical manager of child-psychiatric and youth-psychiatric service of the canton Zurich; Zurich, CH
Marcel WislerMarcel Wisler leader communication and member of the management Pro Mente Sana; Zurich CH
This Committee is composed from members of the International Prato Research Collaborative on Families affected by Parental Mental Illness. Preventing the transmission of psychiatric and related problems from parents to children and promoting a family approach in mental health care are major aims of this Collaborative of researchers and advocates for these families from all over the world.
Clemens Hosman (Chair)Prof. Dr. Clemens Hosman is Emeritus Professor of Mental Health Promotion and Prevention at the Maastricht University and Radboud University; Nijmegen, NL
Kurt AlbermannDr. Kurt Albermann is Director of the Social Paediatric Centre at the Winterthur Hospital, Switzerland and Chair of the International Conference on Transgenerational Mental Health 2016; Winterthur, CH
Grant CharlesDr. Grant Charles is Associate Professor at the School of Social Work, University of British Columbia; Vancouver, CA
Karin van DoesumDr. Karin van Doesum, prevention psychologist, is senior researcher and lecturer at the Department of Clinical Psychology, Radboud University Nijmegen, NL and University of Tromsö, NO; Prevention coordinator at the Mindfit Mental Health Centre; Deventer, NL
Joanne NicholsonProf. Dr. Joanne Nicholson, Professor of Psychiatry and Clinical and Research Psychologist at the Dartmouth Psychiatric Research Centre, The Geisel School of Medicine at Darmouth; Lebanon, USA
Eduardo ReDr. Eduardo Re, psychiatrist, is Scientific Director of the International Humanitarian Association Contatto Onlus; Milano, I
Charlotte ReedtzDr. Charlotte Reedtz, educational pychologist, is Associate Professor at the University of Tromsö; Tromsö, NO
Andrea ReupertDr. Andrea Reupert is Associate Professor and Director of the Krongold Centre, Faculty of Education, Monash University, Clayton, AU. She is also first editor on the Third Edition of Parental Psychiatric Disorder (Cambridge University Press, 2015)
Stefania BuoniStephania Buoni italian and international COPMI / FaPMI advocate a social media expert; Milano, I
Randi TalsethRandi Talseth is Secretary General of the Norwegian Organization Vosne for Barn (Adults for Children). She has organized previous national and international conferences on Children of Parents with Mental Illness (COPMI).